Example sentences of "[prep] a year " in BNC.

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1 Arthur Price chairman John Price says : ‘ 13/0 certainly looks as bright and as cheerful as 18/8 but after it has been in use for a short while it goes dull and then grey and , after a year or so , stains and pitmarks develop which can not be removed . ’
2 After a year his wife still appeared not to have noticed the smell of another woman on her husband 's face .
3 After a year in the margins , Mr Lo re-entered the political mainstream in a new job — and one which clearly indicated where he thought Hong Kong 's future would now be decided .
4 He came to England as a Rhodes Scholar in 1958 , and after a year of teaching at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore he returned to Oxford for three years in the early 1960s as research fellow and junior dean at St John 's College .
5 After a year a dog is a fully grown , fully independent individual , but the baby is still dependent on its mother .
6 Yvonne Clark also moved her six-year-old son Ryan to Martinshaw this August after a year at Lady Jane Grey .
7 The most damaging feature of the August figures , however , is that they showed no sign , after a year and a half of severe monetary tightening , that the worst was over .
8 After a year in which the Treasury 's forecasting failures ( notably that very large trade deficit ) have been rather obvious , it is only fair to recall that it did presciently point out just about every awkward little detail of the poll tax , from its automatic upward impact on inflation to the folly of providing local authorities with a golden opportunity to raise more tax while blaming the Government .
9 After a year in office , the Thatcher government found itself presiding over mass de-industrialization , inflation of more than 20 per cent , a rise in public spending , and the prospects of a slump .
10 After a year or two of marriage ‘ men return once more to the company of their mates ’ .
11 A chance inquiry into an old debt revealed that the building had never been fully consecrated and thus would revert to Assheton family ownership after a year and a day 's disuse .
12 After a year , Jakki considered leaving and secured a job at a tiny radio station just off Australia 's Great Barrier Reef .
13 After a year of arguments , a new corporate watchdog , the Australian Securities Commission , came into being .
14 American officials say that , after a year 's careful thought , the new democracies of Eastern Europe have come to the conclusion that NATO is a splendid thing : a watchdog against any future Soviet attempt to re-establish hegemony over Eastern and Central Europe ( see page 47 ) .
15 Japanese banks have great flexibility in this : they do not have to declare loans non-performing until after a year of non-payment of interest ( as against 90 days in America ) .
16 If a salmon comes back to a river after a year , it is known as a grilse , and — weighing anything from one to four kilograms — is ready for the pot or skillet or foil jacket .
17 However , after a year or so he had recovered from all his problems except cribbing and an occasional bout of colic .
18 Those exposed to the covered lamp remained normal after a year .
19 In experimental line-out changes that will be reviewed after a year , a jumper must use both hands or his inside arm to catch the ball , and the 50 centimetre space between the lines will be doubled .
20 After a year 's postdoctoral research , including a short spell in Sweden on a British Council award , Worswick decided that a long term career at the bench was not for him .
21 Then after a year in Israel doing research on migrating birds of prey — ‘ I 've got a great story about that , mate .
22 It also has an extremely long shelf-life and loses none of its potency even when turning from its original pale straw colour to the colour of strong tea after a year or more .
23 After a year and a day a hand-fast marriage can be broken , by the man or by the woman .
24 A young married woman my office has tried to adopt a baby since she had a hysterectomy , and she is still waiting after a year .
25 After a year , I had only the boots , but I knew that if somebody of importance would approve the idea then the rest would follow .
26 You did not go off and set up house with the man in your life and perhaps think about marriage if it seemed like a good idea , after a year or two .
27 But after a year , and at the request of members , there were discussions held on all sorts of other subjects .
28 A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long : it is usually only a matter of weeks , and two to six months is about the most that can be expected : If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year , it is unlikely to be a placebo effect .
29 After a year , he escaped and helped by having become fluent in French during his captivity , he was at liberty for 3 months before he was recaptured .
30 After a year of this , he was then taken on by an Exeter dentist , a Mr. Groves , as a dental technician .
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