Example sentences of "[prep] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got two young sons as well , erm they two got took off me into foster care , and that was when I really had to decide it was the either the drugs or the children .
2 ‘ After the defeat at Bramall Lane they had the biggest hammering they 've had off me for a long time .
3 I understand all right , and if you think you 're going to live off me for the rest of your life you 're mistaken .
4 One of the sons had done the right thing and had taken the pressure off me for a while .
5 Collins , for example , bought a very fine work off me for 600 roubles .
6 I remember Glyn and the kids were very young I think some of the were born in Blaenau erm and they were dismantling an old quarry at there his brother W R from Harlech had bought it usa like a machinery merchant and Glyn then borrowed a lot of tools off me for dismantling it then we started we we 'd done a lot off and on together we 'd been in er I enjoyed working with him , he was the type of man very hard worker himself but he wanted his pound of flesh .
7 Two you had off me for the fete .
8 It was taken off me at Widnes , with Jonathan Davies doing most of the tactical kicking , and I 've been told it cost me a Great Britain tour chance .
9 Yeah how , she got all these bloody vouchers off me at Christmas you know
10 I think once he had one off me on his neck and erm
11 They eventually got them off me with baby oil , and almost took my fingers with them .
12 I was due to attend a meeting with several other women whom I knew and felt in sympathy with , and when I arrived there , the weight of my unhappiness just rolled off me like an unwanted burden .
13 They took it off me after that . ’
14 In the locker room — no ordinary changing room this , but a soft paradise of fluffy towels , hairdryers , lotions , masseurs , electronic scales , isometric drinks , cardio-vascular scans and congratulatory attendants — he told a well-known ( everyone in this club is said to be well-known ) producer that he took the first three games off me in each set .
15 It was very tiring and actually the perspiration just used to be dropping off me by the time I got into the flat .
16 Incidentally was anyone else as f***ed off as me with Radio 5 doing commentary on the red scouse ( mid table going nowhere ) playing QPR ( ditto ) , and making that the major headlining game instead of Leeds ( second in the table ) against West Ham ( reviving at the moment ) ?
17 ‘ I feel very angry that you 've come to a conclusion about me without discussing the matter with me . ’
18 It was a meadow ready for cutting and suddenly I realized that it was high summer , the sun was hot and that every step brought the fragrance of clover and warm grass rising about me into the crystal freshness of the air .
19 ‘ Speaking of manners , ’ Belinda herself put in suddenly , in a rather small but very firm voice , ‘ I think it would be polite if you both stopped speaking about me as if I was n't here ! ’
20 My ex-wife would go around telling extraordinary stories about me to people , and I discovered that I 'd lost a lot of friends .
21 " What have you been saying about me to David Fairfax ? "
22 ‘ Since this campaign began , not a day has passed without them trying to spin some story or other about me to the local paper .
23 When I get out of my train at Victoria and look about me at the other two hundred — mostly strangers , not least so those whose names as early schoolfellows dawn on me when they disappeared , — I sometimes think that one or two of us ought to speak out instead of just voting and making a remark in the complaint book once or twice a year and writing to a newspaper less often .
24 ‘ By a quite exceptional oversight , ’ said Rufus , ‘ I do n't just happen to have any picture postcards of the Acropolis about me at present . ’
25 And I was married to a soldier so I did n't have any family round about me at the time so it was it was pretty hard .
26 Form 1A were assigned to Mr R. J. ‘ Bunny ’ Warren for Mathematics and I still have the reports he wrote about me at the time .
27 Everything he had loved about me at first became embarrassing .
28 ‘ I 'm insulted that he 's even talking about me on the tape — and I 'm sure the other players he 's mentioned feel the same .
29 Fortunately I do n't have to do the really dangerous stuff , buteven backstage in the wings I did have a few things falling about me on the last day in Manchester .
30 ‘ So how about me for a mate ? ’
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