Example sentences of "[prep] it [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Despite it feeling strangely slowed down , the meal went much too quickly .
2 To continue to support the mechanism despite it failing in its obligations to cushion speculation against Sterling .
3 Even if they got to the superleague then were repeatedly humiliated 6 nil I would be happy despite it making them yet more money .
4 The Lotus , now quite a rare model , came into Gordon 's possession in 1981 and he spent thousands of hours restoring it to mint condition , despite it having done an estimated 200,000 miles .
5 There was a white wooden arrow sign below it pointing to the farmhouse , and that had HQ stencilled on it in Ministry of Defence style .
6 In Britain this is a ground nesting bird of the open country , and there is no record of it entering caves , but like the snowy owl it could have altered its behaviour during colder stages of the Pleistocene .
7 One of the tsar-reformer 's great achievements was the foundation of the Russian navy , much of it consisting of wooden galleys propelled by the collective muscle-power of conscript or convict oarsmen .
8 You will be acknowledged by name in the final credits of the Video in the event of it proceeding to completion and in any video credits in the accompanying print material which may be published .
9 You will be acknowledged by name in the final credits of the Video in the event of it proceeding to completion and in any video credits in the accompanying print material which may be published .
10 You will be acknowledged by name in the final credits of the Video in the event of it proceeding to completion and in any video credits in the accompanying print material which may be published .
11 There were men half-hidden by piled-up mountains of coloured balloons at some of the street corners , a relic , Ward said , of the magnificent feathered headdresses of the Aztecs , and with the stillness of evening the dust haze had gone , so that the huge square of the Zócalo had a brooding sense of peace , the cathedral 's twin towers still touched with the sunset 's warmth and the great mass of it dominating the presidential palace .
12 Once the process is definitely under way and there is no chance of it stopping again take one dose only of Caulophyllum 10M .
13 There is a good deal of informal communication about courses in particular subjects , some of it passing along the external examiner grapevine , some of it through the ‘ invisible colleges ’ of research networks .
14 ‘ Rigor mortis is complete but there 's no sign of it passing off .
15 The Alte Post is old , parts of it dating from the mid-sixteenth century .
16 The joint BPXM-Pemex team has set about the task ahead of them by cataloguing a mass of seismic , well and production data , much of it dating back to the 1930s .
17 The feel of it plugging his nostrils added to his panic .
18 Levels of nitrates in tap water had been rising slowly over the past decade , most of it leaching into groundwater from farmers fields , where it 's used as a fertilizer .
19 There 's very little chance of it catching unawares .
20 I was really pleased to get so much in the way of useful comment and feedback — a lot of it bringing up incidental considerations that we clearly have n't yet given enough thought to .
21 Since Shaw and his team took over profits have recorded a sevenfold increase to £218 million — two-thirds of it emanating from the rich North American market .
22 Almost of it rising to meet me .
23 George pushed a door open and stood back , and she walked into the room and stood in the center of it looking around with curiosity .
24 And I 'd come out of it looking sharper than a Connecticut Yankee at a 2 Live Crew concert .
25 The amplified muezzins of the town 's mosques spent much of it chanting at full volume .
26 All of it eating away at the spiritual fabric of existence for thousands upon thousands of years .
27 By then the noise of the avalanche had died away , only the echoes of it reverberating across the valley , and when I shifted into the driving seat and looked back , the road behind us had ceased to exist .
28 This growth has accelerated in recent years , much of it taking place in the 1970s and it has been concentrated more in the higher levels of the education system .
29 much of it taking a shortcut to the city centre ( 'rat-running' ) .
30 In fact , there has been talk of it taking up to four years to give effect to this , during which time who knows how many young people will die , while the Home Office and the Home Secretary drag their feet ?
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