Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
2 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
3 The key thing appeared to be that Delander had fitted it with double wheel or duplex escapement — and it could be the first of the rare group of his clocks that include the feature .
4 One answer seems to be that the market will take another look at Impressionist prints , and those by the Nabis , both of which are beginning to seem undervalued , in comparison with what was produced by their successors .
5 The point seems to be that Macbeth 's greatest crime is in tampering with the future .
6 Like , it used to be that [ place ] station might be attacked once or twice a year , like it was hit five times in one night this year …
7 The problem seems to be that the people who prepare the lunches have never actually opened one sitting on a hill .
8 His logic seems to be that if he does n't give you any money , he can be sure you 're staying with him because you love him , and not because of his earning power .
9 Mr Mark Brett , economist with Barclays de Zoete Wedd , said : ‘ The risk has to be that the figures will be better than everybody is assuming .
10 One of the explanations for the dolphin 's superb streamlining seems to be that while they are swimming their skin surface shifts in folds or ripples , caused not by muscular action but as a response to changes in pressure on different parts of the body .
11 The rights and wrongs of it were debated for some time and the feeling seemed to be that the TCCB had come out of it in a worse light than Gatting ; as the Melbourne newspaper The Age put it , ‘ Gatting , caught rumour , bowled hypocrisy , 0 ’ .
12 And so it came to be that the bewitching gesture of her father 's secretary walking down the golden path ( which bewitched me when I saw the woman in the swimsuit take leave of the lifeguard ) had completely gone to sleep in her .
13 The reason seems to be that the gospel story was formed backwards .
14 In the former , to a first approximation , the initial amount of radiocarbon in an organic sample is taken to be that in the atmosphere now , but many adjustments are made to this assumption as will be seen below .
15 The position now seems to be that the two offences have the same legal definition , and that the prosecution should prefer the charge of manslaughter when the case is a bad one which might merit a sentence in excess of the five-year maximum for causing death by reckless driving .
16 The reasoning behind this proposal seems to be that the two parties are adult , and any exploitation deriving from the family tie seems no more likely than in other adult relationships .
17 The main message seems to be that women , for whatever reason , are less able to aspire to higher spiritual states than men .
18 The sentimental message seems to be that it 's never too late to open up , confess and say sorry ( even if you 're dead ) , and once you do everything is OK , everybody gets a second chance in the new kinder , gentler America , tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life etc .
19 It does seem , though , that when the death of someone we love is sudden it does not have to be that the shock is greater than when we have been expecting it .
20 The only reasonable conclusion appeared to be that because the two stallions lived in yards , and at that time were not being ridden , they consequently had a life that demanded virtually no decision making at all — their days were so dominated by habit that they had become completely unable to think .
21 I wanted it to be that I had n't really been that big before I left — in other words , prove them wrong .
22 ‘ The attitude seems to be that as Minogue was ‘ invented ’ by the publicity machine anyway , she 's fair game , no matter how flimsy or outrageous the angle .
23 HOWEVER confident we pretend to be that the Conservatives will be returned with a majority of at least 25 , we must accept the possibility that this gesticulating Welsh oaf will hold centre-stage until such time as the economy , public order and constitution collapse about his ears .
24 The idea seems to be that if priests are given a ‘ properly informed sexual education ’ this will prevent their ‘ love of chastity ’ being displaced by the temptations of the flesh , but I see no reason why it should have this effect .
25 The general view seemed to be that the important thing was to get the economic and social base right and the language would look after itself .
26 The reality proved to be that the mainly black community of Johns Island , South Carolina , found that they were unable to improve the situation existing in their communities in terms of the provision of social , educational , or civil amenities , largely due to the fact that they were unable to vote in elections .
27 The reason for the difference seemed to be that the DHSS paid for nursing home treatment in a number of instances : ‘ They took the pension and attendance allowance and the DHSS paid the rest . ’
28 The problem seems to be that many women are having a tough time making their mark higher up the career ladder .
29 According to the joint letter issued by President Mitterrand and Chancellor Kohl before the second Rome summit in December 1990 , the idea seems to be that this power might rest with the Council of Ministers .
30 On the other hand , were every indication to be that there was no chance of the letter ever being posted — for example if the person was a known thief and there was no post-box within a hundred miles — then in this case giving him or her the letter would be regarded as stupid .
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