Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] he " in BNC.

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1 The most important challenge to the laissez faire mentality within Congregationalism came from Joseph Parker in 1901 when as Chairman he placed a cat among the pigeons with his usual dexterity .
2 Mark generally uses the flesh of his r/hand thumb and first finger , plus occasionally his second ( do n't use your fingernails ) , and for support he tends to rest his palm on the bridge and his remaining fingers on the front of the guitar …
3 Yeremi almost clung to the former undercity dweller , whether out of strange fellow feeling or only for support he could not have said .
4 Calling on Lenin for support he claimed that the interests of French colonies , including the Indochinese , were best served by a ‘ free , trusting and paternal union with France ’ .
5 Now if the minister is right and a partner in the firm or indeed an assistant in the firm a acting as a tax advisor or financial planner , might come across something er tha that er if er he were acting as auditor he would be bound to report .
6 Do n't worry about money he 's alright , no he 's said he 'd come and have a look if he sees , he 's gon na have a look at it first , see what he thinks .
7 Now a freelance journalist , in his first piece for Esquire he returns to Pinner to trace the story of a young man who was drawn inexorably into a spiral which led to murder ( When Iain Met Tommy , page 126 ) .
8 If Brian sued John for negligence he could be met with the defences of volenti non fit injuria and contributory negligence .
9 This is an important recognition for the narrator , for gradually in his quest for Bazlen he too comes to accept that he is ‘ passing through ’ , and that the truth of which he is in pursuit is not an object fixed in time and space .
10 As scientist he adopted a certain method of explaining things ; as philosopher he tried to go one step further , he tried to justify his scientific methodology with arguments intended to prove that the things he did not need in his explanations — objective colours , sounds , and so on — did not exist .
11 As Archbishop he was indecisive ; there were contemporaries who could have provided stouter leadership , as they let him know .
12 Among them there are two letters which show more intimately than any others the intricate web of monastic commitment , personal relationships , and politics , in which as archbishop he was required to work .
13 In May 1314 they maintained that they could be taxed only in their own assemblies ; when Edward tried to proceed through parliament he often found himself thwarted — as in January 1316 — by the inadequate attendance of the clergy .
14 Pausanias thought Myrtilos was under the heads of Oenomaus 's horses , but since he certainly took the girl for male he may have meant her .
15 Its President would be directly elected : for election he or she would have to receive at least 50 per cent of total votes cast nationally , andmoreover receive at least this percentage in a majority of states , and might not serve more than two consecutive five-year terms .
16 If she could get there before the long closure for lunch-hour he would make her up a preparation , and Peony could get it back to her mother and possibly get back again to the harbour for the Swimming Gala .
17 But when I asked him for permission he just agreed .
18 After speeding across the moors and winding through woodland he at last found her and together they flowed slowly as one out into the Hamoaze .
19 When he had departed for Benghazi he had left Lord Jellicoe in charge at Kabrit , and on 20 May Jellicoe wrote to MEHQ asking for an order to be issued to the Commando to release the men .
20 Judge William Crawford QC ordered Ganguly to do 200 hours community service and to pay £500 compensation for damage he caused breaking into Ideas for Furnishing in Linthorpe Road , Middlesbrough .
21 For instance he wrote Leagach ( more as it sounds ) for Liathach ; yet Each for Eighe ( pronounced ay as in play ) seems to have no phonetic parallel .
22 Athens was expelled from Boiotia in 446 , and the Boiotian League was perhaps reorganized now ; in a valuable description the Oxyrhynchus Historian ( chapter xvi ) gives the system essentially as it was in the 440s , though for instance he takes account of Plataia 's destruction in 427 , after which Thebes took her votes .
23 For instance he would have to pay the equivalent of the rent during the period of his occupation between the date of the order and the date of giving up possession .
24 For instance he read every morning newspaper before midnight on the previous day ( in contrast to Harold Macmillan who claimed not to read newspapers ) and as a result he went to bed fully — and very ill-advisedly — informed of the disagreeable things that were being said about him , since almost all the papers had Tory proprietors and Tory-inclined editors .
25 Boswell argues back that ‘ A man , as a machine , may have agreeable sensations ; for instance he may have pleasure in music . ’
26 erm it may be that erm because of my generation , but you do n't get the same sort of personalities nowadays as you did in those days , erm Mr for instance he was , he was a most benign sort of erm fellow of what one would describe as a real gentleman mm , mind you he used to have his paddies at times but
27 reactive kind of person , in which he things are happening to him , like for instance he 's quite famous because of the war .
28 As to that college novice , Williams , I have ordered my attorney to throw him instantly into gaol on an action of debt for money he has borrowed from me .
29 * the user has perhaps to budget for the cost of the item , and will wish to maximise the value for money he or she can obtain from the expenditure ; * the user has to cope with the consequences of late delivery , faulty products , breakdowns and servicing requirements ( etc ) ; * the user will be concerned with product reliability and supplier reputation .
30 Durfey may have written the lyrics himself , adding a coded signature to cock a snook at his detractors ( ‘ The Town may da-da-da-m me as a poet , but they sing my songs for all that ’ ) ; or he may conceivably have acted the part himself , for money he appeared to need , and plenty of laughs backstage .
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