Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 However , Nizan 's failure to do likewise is not simply an illustration of the structural inflexibility of the PCF in its dealings with petty bourgeois intellectuals such as Nizan himself .
2 And we 've deliberatly gone along with local wishes to avoid going through Buscot itself
3 Hans Keller pointed out many years ago that , while the three preludial " interludes " are broadly speaking of a generic nature , setting the scene and mood for when the curtain rises , the three mid-act interludes have more specifically psychological connotations , telling us something about the state of the dramatic action and particularly about Grimes himself .
4 The original accusations levelled by Thorez were based on a fictitious analogy between Nizan himself and the fictional character Pluvinage .
5 Later theoretical developments of psychoanalysis have been by analysts who have largely given up this second requirement of a theoretical conceptualization , yet it was a fundamental one for Freud himself .
6 But for Strauss himself it represented a stage in what was to become an anguished and sometimes bitter drifting away from even this somewhat diluted and Idealist ‘ Christianity ’ .
7 They 're talking about the Watford Gap , not about Watford itself .
8 On that first day I had little thought to spare for Parma itself , but gradually I came to realize how fortunate I was to go to school in a city that was both beautiful and intensely interesting .
9 But it is no secret , for Demidenko himself loves to speak of that memorable occasion , and its importance for him .
10 We know very little about Hilton himself , however .
11 In both features she is also seen to embody a wider set of assumptions about Mexico itself ; exotic , passionate , yet constantly struggling against pain and deceit .
12 Cadfael could not choose but feel some sympathy for one whose dubious but daring enterprise had come full circle , and now threatened him with disgrace and punishment ; all the more as Cadfael himself had just been spared a possibly similar exposure .
13 Among his firm 's commissions during Barron 's life were Stancliffe Hall , Matlock ; Impney Hall , Droitwich ; Locke Park , Barnsley ; People 's Park , Grimsby ; and , his most famous work after Elvaston itself , Abbey Park , Leicester ( 1877–82 ) .
14 ‘ I would have had to have come to some arrangement with Janice — separate houses , separate lives — and taken on the job of looking after Kirsty myself , even if it had meant giving up my job . ’
15 The deal is said to be divided into two portions , with $3,000m for IBM itself and $1,600m for IBM Credit Corp .
16 Here he continued his intellectual dialogue with men like Mairet and Oldham , but the discussions also brought him into contact with European intellectuals such as Mannheim himself .
17 It can also free us from many mistaken myths about Darwin himself .
18 There is little evidence about Ermentrude herself at the time of the marriage .
19 As for Carol herself , she was quite prepared to recall the incident if it meant that it would help to convict the rapist .
20 But historians now recognize that for Darwin himself the idea of natural selection arose from a dialogue between his geographical studies and his interest in the process of reproduction by which the species is maintained .
21 But what about Jane herself ?
22 Hampden Babylon is a book about the sordid and seedy underbelly of Scottish football , but in many respects it is also a book about Scotland itself .
23 Penny Duce of the Poetry Library , who recently visited Lending Services said that the Library would be pleased to accept requests for books on BL forms , but that she did not expect to be borrowing material for SPL itself .
24 . When two of my sons were little boys I took them to our old great-uncle Lord Albemarle 's yearly reception on Waterloo Day , that they might hereafter be able to say in their old age that they had seen and spoken to someone who had been at the Battle of Waterloo himself .
25 It is no coincidence that our next piece of biographical evidence , like that for 826 , is poetic , the work of Walahfrid himself .
26 As Kaurismaki 's associate Mikko Piela describes it with equally characteristic , and refreshingly literate , hyperbole : ‘ THE MATCH FACTORY GIRL evokes such feelings of sorrow , pity and horror that the dusty bones of Aristotle himself must be clattering out of sheer cathartic pleasure .
27 Throughout the war ( except during the worst days of the blitz ) the Gallup Poll had been assessing the popularity of the government , and of Churchill himself as Prime Minister .
28 Although this is certainly borne out by the example of Nizan himself who experienced a degree of mistrust from within the ranks of the PCF as a consequence of his petty bourgeois class origins and schooling , ultimately this is of secondary importance compared to Nizan 's overriding reason for being in the communist party in the first place .
29 The processes entailed in referral and admission are less accessible at the Delphi Centre because they tend to be concentrated in the hands of Roger himself ; decisions are often made instantaneously , without consultation and frequently in the course of a telephone conversation .
30 There are interesting portraits of Kingsley 's female contemporaries — notably , Mary Slessor , Vice-Consul of Okoyong — but always to the disadvantage of Kingsley herself .
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