Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 Do you think that there 's any scope for perhaps going down that road in the future ?
2 Here the ‘ glory ’ is presumably the stage between long gone youth and death as the poet is at this point on his ‘ deathbed ’ .
3 Wilson , of 8th Signals , Catterick Garrison , had just bought it after deliberately going in search of the drug because he wanted to try it , the court martial was told .
4 It did n't get dark till about just gone seven
5 For easy going daily life , the dear and valuable memorandum
6 you know , thought back to , if I 'd of only gone to Yorkshire , gone back to Manchester , I 'd of felt my roots , see I was born in Manchester , and
7 No but this one must of just gone really quick , whether the wind frightened him cos it there was a lot , the fence was banging .
8 You can you can sort of just go over that line and put equals so many degrees .
9 instead of just going , you should of said oh I just come up for a few days
10 Instead of just going
11 He had a shaving kit like that , and he had his old , the old after shave lotion and that , and he will , well , picked us , we just fucking said I , I know what will do the trick a bit of fucking gone
12 If however , you mean — ‘ drop dead I 've no intention of ever going out with you ’ — get the intention across — preferably without offence .
13 If you 'd have said , I will move you sort of like went Kathleen ?
14 I think it was probably a ring , that sort of like went on for about a minute or so ,
15 Well what we did we stopped at this track and we turned round and we went to there was like a twenty foot straight yeah , and there 's like and everybody 's sort of like going , no , not that .
16 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
17 So instead of automatically going to the timber yard and buying new timber , how about looking around at potential sources of second-hand timber and giving the poor old environment a helping hand ?
18 Erm mm , the other thing I was gon na mention which is , which we 've sort of really gone through is the air conditioning and that we 're actually sort o , we are doing the monitoring of the environment and all , and have had Wi
19 sort of really go along with the process .
20 Instead of simply going to bed , she insisted on returning , believing that it was her duty to try and fulfil her obligations .
21 ‘ Float people run fast leave love lust power girlpower boypower out of here go fast light heat star fly riddles in the flesh call strong me feel here feel now feel aaaaah . ’
22 But he had felt that he was still the same Mark Underwood , drearily going through the motions of belief instead of drearily going through the motions of disbelief ; that the searing , galvanic experience men called conversion was like an unexploded bomb ticking away inside him .
23 We used to use a sort of doily to go round them , but now you can get washable plastic lace by the yard , which lasts much better .
24 Without employing his own servants as agents and deputies Sadler obviously could not have managed his group of offices ; as it was he complained of seldom going to bed before midnight and generally waking by 4. a.m .
25 The value of occasionally going AWOL ca n't be over-stressed .
26 the objective of politically going for a class struggle
27 Kelman ( 1988 ) in particular takes this kind of line , pointing out that those most opposed to the Vietnam war were those who had no chance of actually going there and being in danger .
28 you know , but I mean short of actually going through it , which we 'd no need to , we thought
29 And this method of actually going there living with them , learning their language and er so on s , really participating er would , finally there 's a way of actually in a sense , getting of the people , the nearer you can , anyway , of course , it 's relying on the people you stay with that you understand that something of the world comes over onto you so that imposing what 's essential in and So , here what Judith Oakley 's trying to do , is trying to understand how gypsies , themselves , differentiate , how do they define the boundaries between themselves and others .
30 You should of bloody gone and got it , it 'll be shut this afternoon , some of th chemists .
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