Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 Searching round for where she 'd put her champagne glass , she discovered it on a wrought-iron table behind her .
2 We had to wait a long time because I had my mother to look after and she was rather difficult . ’
3 So I says , oh I says , saying what they were and she said , oh , she said , and I 've got some mugs Auntie Elsie bought you and a bit after and she said , she said , there 's them four mugs for Angela .
4 And he knew that Marama , because of her title , would always be looked after if she stayed on Koraloona , so it would be wrong of him to be selfish and expect her to live in semi-starvation on a strange island .
5 She was n't crowned till after but she was told !
6 The comedian Spike Milligan held forth about God , Diana gave a priceless diamond and pearl necklace to a friend to look after while she danced ; while the Queen was observed looking through the programme and saying in bemused tones : ‘ It says here they have live music ’ , as though it had just been invented .
7 It is still not clear whether Ms Gibson believed she had made arrangements for Gemma to be looked after while she was away .
8 It is thought she will face questioning about whether she made proper arrangements for Gemma to be looked after while she was away .
9 Melanie knew what she was waiting for although she had not told her .
10 And the little old girl he says , you got ta bear in mind , he said she 's only nine he said so she ca n't do none of that she come up and she could get her leg up , she went like this !
11 Erm it 's tha then getting towards and she 's gone down and done the horses he sh he said it 's then getting to Harriet 's bed time so she baths her all sorts her out and he said well she does work hard , he said and by the end of that she she wo n't be able to do anything else !
12 I phoned up this week just to say I 'm getting on with it and they sort of like she said she 'd
13 She had one year of and she thinks erm it 's boring , bit of a dump ! .
14 But she spoke of and she kept speaking about him being
15 Which I do n't think mum entirely approved of cos she
16 said all I 'm worried about is did I wash my hair too early for you so she said it 's alright I 've got a spray that I can sort of cos she likes it quite wet when she
17 And she was coming back along towards and she comes all along the dual carriageway and this car in front of her
18 Erm it 's tha then getting towards and she 's gone down and done the horses he sh he said it 's then getting to Harriet 's bed time so she baths her all sorts her out and he said well she does work hard , he said and by the end of that she she wo n't be able to do anything else !
19 Well there 's Diane the hairdresser 's wife whom I do n't see a great deal of but she lives near .
20 About what 's happening to the rest of because she was very maternal she was m she was our mam .
21 But the play , because it wants its bread buttered on both sides , keeps its options open until the end on the issue of whether she is genuinely taken in by her husband 's lie or whether her insistence that the girl stay the weekend , her broody concern for the future of the fictitious baby , and marriage-broking on behalf of Julie are just ways of stoking up Jacques 's embarrassment .
22 Although not all the Tory dissidents now discussing tactics over individual bills were among the 60 who withheld their votes from her last Tuesday , the arithmetic of the leadership election does raise the question of whether she can rely on her Commons majority in the coming battles .
23 I had sent her a copy of my memoir , but her noncommittal letter of thanks had given no indication of whether she had read it .
24 Unsure of whether she does owe him an explanation , of how much of her perspective she can get across in a conversation , and unwilling to let go of the London Kate who has broken through to the surface , she is ashamed of her suspicions of his reasons for asking her back to his place and agrees .
25 ‘ It 's not a question of whether she has any boyfriend , more a case of which boyfriend she 'll be with .
26 The episode raises the question of whether she actually knew who Mapplethorpe was when she agreed to the V&A being used for an Aids fund-raising event , at which there was to be a slide show of the photographs in the book .
27 Yet while she 's been pulling no punches as the dynamic young WPC , Jane 's been wrestling with the thorny dilemma of whether she can find lasting love with teacher Grant Mitchell played by Craig McLachlan .
28 As she pulled it behind her , reckless of whether she slammed it or not , she could hear her mother 's voice again .
29 Irina worried about whether she was on the pill and all possible consequences of whether she was or whether she was n't .
30 In the recent House of Lords judgment in the aptly named Savage case , the court ruled that a person can be guilty of actual bodily harm regardless of whether she — in that case — intended any harm or was reckless about causing harm , so long as she intended the assault .
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