Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The main clause , for its part , expresses a judgement about or a reaction to the fact of the infinitive event 's having acceded to existence .
2 It is purely graphic , as are his subsequent posters , for Eureka Stockade ( 1949 ) , a turbulent scene entirely suitable for a ‘ spectacular drama of Australia 's Gold Rush ’ with its clash between miners and the colonial government , and for Where No Vultures Fly ( 1951 ) which was one of Ealing 's big box-office successes .
3 Of course , sea-trout never give themselves up easily ; you have to know your loch and be prepared to hunt for where the fish lie ; so be prepared for a lot of rowing , and a lot of finger-crossing on Oscaig .
4 He narrowly missed what he thought was a lamp post but turned out to be a tree , and reached for where the handle was usually to be found on a front door .
5 As for where the monarchy goes , that matters more .
6 For where the first stage , the mechanised production in factories of consumer goods for an existing colonial market virtually monopolised by Britain , promised and provided immediate and enormous profit on a relatively modest outlay , the second did not .
7 Concomitant with bonding is leadership , for where the bolder of two friends , or the elder of a related pair , goes , the second follows .
8 Mr Lyle , although a commoner , has a very distinguished genealogy , for where the aristocracy are concerned , the further back they go , the better they get .
9 Plainly , there will be a very close connexion between the rules of change and the rules of recognition : for where the former exists the latter will necessarily incorporate a reference to legislation as an identifying feature of the rules , though it need not refer to all the details of procedure involved in legislation .
10 As is the labour so is the living ; for where the poor are full of work , they are never empty of wages ; they eat while the others starve , and have a tolerable plenty .
11 You are still looking for where the boy could have been ? ’
12 In principle , a planning authority can only grant what is actually applied for or a part of it .
13 I find that the qualifications she would have got was either the degree she hoped for or a Higher National Diploma for reasons which I shall now set out .
14 I was just going to make a quick comment if I may on Oxfam , because I noticed that they 're down for the street collections and for the flag day , now next year 's their fiftieth anniversary , so I think it 's quite appropriate next year , but I do , my own view is , that we will get , we ought to get one comprehensive list of all these organisations , for both the street collections and the flag days , with an indication in the column of whether it 's flag day they 've gone for or a street collection , so that we can identify that sort of situation .
15 Many of the factors ( social or otherwise ) which may affect either the need for or the cost of delivering health care are unevenly distributed , often in small pockets , and do not present in the same way — or have the same social meaning — in different parts of Britain .
16 ( 6 ) In relation to building control , food hygiene and consultation with the lire authority , subsections ( 1 ) , ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) of this section shall not apply to the application for or the making of a provisional grant of a licence under section 26(2) of this Act but shall apply to the application for affirmation and to the affirmation of such a grant .
17 Erm the question of the need for or the need for an orbital route has been put to our members on a number of occasions .
18 The reason for such a power is that contemporaneous reporting may prejudice either the proceedings in question ( as where the material — although heard in open court — has not been made known to the jury ) or some further proceedings which were pending or imminent at the time .
19 In Flanders , services are classified simply in terms of the age of the youngsters looked after or the type of service offered ( for example , observation and assessment ) .
20 He rightly points out that we need more ladies toilets and if you know you get the chance to use the ladies loo it 's cleaner and better looked after than the men 's , I 've heard .
21 I must admit that selected areas of the park are well looked after and a delight to wander through , but unfortunately by far the greater area of ‘ Old Deer Park ’ is spoiled by litter .
22 But you 've now got a new wife or girlfriend and there 's a new child to look after and the money wo n't stretch .
23 Her powerful twin Paxman engines gave her a range and reliability we had long sought after and the increased accommodation meant that more revenue work could be carried out by a crew of eight customs officers .
24 While they had not asked for permission to enter his lands and claimed they were not in a position to pay for the disturbance , they promised he would be well looked after if the find was as good as appeared .
25 It was darker indoors than out and the oil lamp was already lit in the hall .
26 The General , unfortunately , died of cholera shortly after but the locomotive survived until the 1960's at Haymarket Shed ; Edinburgh , hauling the daily goods service on the South Queensferry branch before final withdrawal from Bathgate shed .
27 ran after but the winding mechanism
28 The younger ones needed looking after while the mothers were busy , and the distress of the children , although more naked than that of their mothers , was less terrible .
29 The factory which was in Leith had what would now he called a creche where the children could it and play and he looked after whilst the mothers got on with the ground sheets … and the war .
30 Oh yes yes then after after the men had gone to bed of course .
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