Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] just " in BNC.

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1 I feel that there should be four or five other tournaments around the country to play in order for them just to get to the national championships .
2 It 's not something that can be changed , like maybe management but erm it 's it 's just that , you know , to be careful , that if you 're doing these things , there 's some things which , I think women can do , and a lot of things that women should be doing , maybe there 's other things which just are n't there for them just now .
3 As they moved cautiously towards it , Fenella saw that it had opened for them just the smallest sliver and that beyond it were shards of light .
4 While I was doing that all the drums I left last week for them just to do they had n't done .
5 Or the fact that the chemistry between them just would n't stop ?
6 ‘ The best thing for all of us is for me just to go back to London .
7 ‘ I do n't think that is the right thing for me just at the moment .
8 We are loudly human all the way back as they light up for me just how far I had strayed .
9 That holiday morning I found Miss Louise waiting for me just inside the door with a pair of old shoes and a pair of slippers in her hands .
10 It would have been easy for me just to put off the difficult decisions we need to take , but I must do what is right for this country .
11 Olga took a room for me just a mile north of Park Terrace — but in another world , the world of rooming houses .
12 ‘ You did n't have to stand up for me just then , ’ she said steadily as soon as he had pulled out of the driveway .
13 My cover 's blown ; that woman 's ruined everything for me just as sure as if she was standing next to me dribbling down her front and complaining about ration books .
14 Unlike the residences bit of the Barbican , where Sorrel had a flat , the entrance to the Arts Centre part is off Chiswell Street , which was an easy left turn for me just after Finsbury Circus .
15 ‘ It 's quite enough for me just to know that you 're going . ’
16 ‘ The Secret Police looked for me just the day after I left and they kept looking for me on and off for a year .
17 Can I borrow a sheet of paper off someone just t .
18 When faced with one ‘ old boy type ’ executive' who on meeting her with a view to beginning an assignment declared that there was no place for women in his business , she announced that as he was obviously only looking for someone just like himself , he could do that better than she could .
19 and for you to then actually have seen it sort of write it down rather than for someone just calling out to you .
20 There was a terrible row between em just before she went out to the boat an got blown up , God rest 'er soul .
21 Mind you , fair 's fair : they went after him just as much as he went after them — he were a good-looking chap , well set-up , like .
22 But anyway , I do n't think they came after us just to get their little fee . ’
23 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
24 I can totally agree with the woman here just now , what she 's saying but the woman at the back of me just now , she 'd said about lesbianism , this is a different thing entirely .
25 And you wo n't get any more answers out of me just because you started to … started to … ’
26 The situation there is that the , there 're , if you have double rooms as doubles then there would be , we do have a relatively low occupancy but the committee had decided to move towards double rooms being used as single occupancy only and on the , I 've got the latest figures for the first of January in front of me just by ch really just by chance
27 When Jim Courier and Andre Agassi roomed together at Nick Bolletieri 's tennis academy in Florida , one of them just had to leave the door ajar .
28 Most of them just go with the flow , ending up as something like a gas fitter or a policeman .
29 Many of them just lie there helplessly until somebody manhandles them over the side of the boat .
30 Megadeth are a band with thousands of followers , some of them just starting out on the guitar .
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