Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 We expect all horses that are well looked after to be cheerful , but like people , some display it more than others .
2 It covers the first item that I can think of to be prohibited from schools ...
3 If z k and ZD are the optimal objective function values of , respectively , LPk and the down-problem created by branching on x B i at node k , then we will define the down-pseudo-cost of to be where is the fractional part of .
4 But the phrase ‘ in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance ’ does not require the action complained of to be a necessary part of the process .
5 The Scholastics employed them as technical terms in a deliberate effort to separate the " existential " sense of to be from its " copulative " sense , i.e. its function as an auxiliary to predication .
6 Yet in Greek philosophy , it appears , these two senses of to be were not always very clearly distinguished from each other , and sometimes moreover there was a strong tendency to amalgamate them in a single concept . "
7 Whether or not the Scholastics misinterpreted the Ancients on this point , their insistence on separating the " existential " from the " copulative " sense of to be , a reductivist might argue , has had large and undesirable philosophical repercussions , in particular by encouraging treatment of existence as a property of objects , or a " first-level predicate " , and by inspiring faulty metaphysical arguments for the existence of God .
8 But the function of to be , surely , is not to supply logically independent existence predicates , but to help turn other words into predicates .
9 If this is true , it follows of course that the use of inflected forms of to be in predicate places ( as , for example , in " I think , therefore I am " ) must be rejected as ungrammatical ; and similarly for the verb exist , especially in singular propositions .
10 A verb form , especially a finite of to be , that connects a subject and the complement or the nominal part of the predicate : His brother was a sailor .
11 A note in a dated 1 Sha'ban 963/10 June 1556 concerning the number of to be appointed in the of that year mentions that four new each are to be accepted from the kadis of Istanbul , Edirne , Bursa and Egypt and two each from the kadis of Damascus , Aleppo and Baghdad .
12 Imposing a restriction which is true should not worsen the ability of the explanatory variables to explain the dependent variable or , alternatively , relaxing the restriction and allowing the estimators of to be different should not lead to a much better fitting equation if are in fact not different .
13 The LOB tagset contains a number of tags for closed class words ( e.g. personal pronouns , conjugations of to be and to have ) .
14 We shall assume that , by definition , an adjective , which instantiates a property , can not be related to a noun phrase identifying an entity by the relation of equation , and we have to deal in predicative position only with the other intensional relation found in items following a form of to be , assignment of qualification .
15 It will be recalled that assignment is expressed in English by a form of to be ( for a full discussion of adjective grouping see Chapter 8 ) : ( 44 ) their host 's beer was cold and refreshing ( 45 ) one pair of trousers was deep purple ( 46 ) the story is long sad ( 47 ) the story is long is sad This contrasts with the sometimes lengthy sequences of adjectives , whether grouped or not , which can occur in prenominal attributive position without causing the slightest frisson of grammatical disapproval : ( 48 ) the long sad story begins in Ottawa ( 49 ) Aunt Lou bought Oliver a charming little pink woollen romper-suit
16 The other meaning uses plastered in the type of structure which we have introduced in the present section ; notice that it allows addition of to be ( and that it is parallel in its overall structure to ( 42 ) where there is a non-finite clause complete with subject , verb and object ) : ( 41 ) Clara wants the façade to be plastered ( 42 ) she wants the builders to plaster the façade Let us also take note of a subtle and rather interesting ambiguity , found in : ( 43 ) Oliver imagined her red-haired This may mean that Oliver is allowing himself to speculate on the effect of , let us say , adding a wig to a blonde lady of his acquaintance ( and this may therefore be called the " cosmetic " version ) ; or he may be trying to build a mental picture of someone he has never met ( the " unacquainted " version ) , in which case imagined could be replaced by supposed with very little alteration in the meaning of the whole .
17 If the reason is not self-evident , it soon emerges when we imagine an appropriate part of to be placed in the verbal position .
18 Here , to differ is the equivalent of to be different , that is to say , the infinitive expresses its event as a state , more precisely as a resulting state , in this type of use .
19 Theorists are very stimulated by sort of quite interesting and new ideas of concept because ultimately a lot of theorists like sort of to be intellectually challenged they like things that they need to really sort of stretch their minds .
20 I then asked rather than erm wait for er Dr to come back , er we changed onto a different product which did n't involve conductivity but before doing that , I asked for ten pallets of to be run off with the nutrient mix reduced from two K Gs per metre to one point five K Gs per metre .
21 Well I do say that er this is merely an encouragement of the Greek Cypriot side , to continue in its er policy of to be the government of Cyprus at our expense .
22 That 's all I can think of to be honest with you .
23 mm , I do n't know I think a lot of the sound travels through the wood , I think that 's all part of it , you know , I do n't think you 'd have very good erm quality out of to be honest with you
24 They were typical of part of what it was like to be homeless — having nowhere to go ; having to avoid all representatives of authority ; feeling tired and generally run-down ; and needing to have my wits at their sharpest at a time when they had become critically undernourished .
25 What would it be like to be In Love with Dionne rather than just loving her ?
26 People like Niall , like Michael Morrissey , who do know what it is like to be poor and shat on , the bottom of the whole U.K. heap , they know I 'm nothing when they set eyes on me .
27 A return seemed unlikely , but at the same time there was this intriguing question : just what would it be like to be up there , 20 pitches out , on a wall as hard as many a belted route , but with no bolts ?
28 Petersburg encourages his vicious loose-end tendency , as it teases Svidrigailov with phantom images of what it would be like to be an occupied man .
29 One of them , Peter Cornwell , later published a sunlit retrospect of what it was like to be one of Ebor 's ordinands , and how he valued the privilege that the bishop who ordained him was a thinker , as he put it , so profound .
30 But the pleasures are , of course , those of youth , and Lewis at the age of forty seems to have forgotten what it was like to be young .
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