Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 There are several ponds , hence the startlingly green Fescue fairways , and for reasons as much ecological as golfing , rough areas have been encouraged and a series of copses planted to add character and to complement the design .
2 For musicians , the lure of the West must be strong , and for reasons as understandable as basic working conditions and standard of living , but as a result we stand at a crossroads : how can we possibly avoid the continuing standardization of orchestral , instrumental and vocal production , and continue to have the opportunity of hearing music played in a style and tradition for which it was probably originally conceived .
3 It must also be borne in mind that in 685 Ecgfrith was able to invade through Strathmore as far as Nechtanesmere ( Dunnichen ) , near Forfar , which will have been in the more northerly kingdom of Circinn ( between the Isla and the Dee ) .
4 Taking part in the arts should also be viewed as a tool for change as much as attending meetings about , say , orange badge provision .
5 Project 2000 argued the necessity for change as much in terms of keeping pace with service needs and professional nursing developments as tackling the deficiencies of existing nurse training and the challenges posed to recruitment by demographic trends .
6 And yet , encouragingly ( for fiction as well as for herself ) , she proved able to rise again : she became the established mistress of a cavalry officer , and by the time she died was the legal wife of an admiral .
7 It had nothing to do with his empathy , for shield as deep as she would , until the whole World became flatly three-dimensional , the conviction was still there .
8 Only EIGHT makes , some designed for tots as young as six months old , passed tests with flying colours — out of 28 examined .
9 We are very much aware that initiatives involving major revisions of the curriculum have significant resource implications for institutions as well as for SCOTVEC and , for this reason , we have decided that a phased introduction would be appropriate for the revision of advanced courses .
10 If she was going to do the job at all , professional pride demanded she do it properly and , for hair as thick and luxuriant as his , ‘ just chopping a bit off ’ would n't do at all .
11 In his prime Burn had built , substantially reconstructed or enlarged as many as six country houses a year for clients as diverse as the Marquis of Westminster and I.K. Brunel .
12 And there will be plenty for fans as well as for musos , with events ranging from big shows at Birkenhead Town Hall and the Floral Pavilion to Sunday brunches at the Mersey Ferries booking halls and late-night concerts at Birkenhead Priory .
13 The text highlights specific engagements , sometimes in vivid detail , making the book one to sit down and read for pleasure as much as to use as a handy reference .
14 First , the process , as outlined in the diagram , is a scheme for research as well as for teaching conventionally considered : each is seen as a concomitant of the other , and it is this which provides for the professional development of the teacher .
15 But the minimal point , that men did not act without taking women 's opinions into account , surely holds for quarrels as much as it did for decisions about education , and for the nineteenth as much as the twentieth century .
16 Gold was certainly used as a decorative inlay for bronzes as early as Shang times , but precious metals only began to be highly valued in China comparatively late and then as an outcome of influence from inner Asia and the west .
17 Even for trajectories as low as varying C L over the range 10 -3 –1 changes the altitude at which a Tunguska-sized stony asteroid airbursts by only 1% .
18 Julian took her companion by the hand , and wormed her way round elbows and between shoulders as far down the street as she could , drawing Brother John after her ; but before she was close enough to the gatehouse to see what was happening there she was brought to a halt , and could move no farther .
19 She cared for religion as little as I for politics — less , for politics painfully makes itself heard and-felt ; twice it came near to breaking up my life , even though I defied it to interest me .
20 And then , without caring what the headmaster might think , he ran after Maisie as fast as he could .
21 Her films are by no means as simple as they may have first appeared .
22 The DHAC did , in fact , provoke a backlash but it was by no means as intense as the persecution which many earlier Irish leftists had to suffer .
23 This treatment , which originated in Japan , is by no means as violent as it sounds and it can be used , in varying degrees , on anyone from babies to the very old .
24 With the next moult it will have regrown its missing claw , although the new one is by no means as impressive as the original .
25 Paradoxically , the truly self-reliant person … proves to be by no means as independent as cultural stereotypes suppose .
26 The arrival of the Oxford students , though , implies that there was a earlier tradition of learning in the town , but this was by no means as significant as some writers have suggested .
27 Some demolition of property and setting back of frontages was completed , but by no means as much as provided for in the Act .
28 Back in Britain , the performance of the four regional companies — the Great Western , the Southern , the London Midland & Scottish and the London & North Eastern — that were nationalised in 1948 was by no means as dismal as is sometimes claimed .
29 This is by no means as quick and easy as using the colour changer , but at least the designs are a possibility .
30 The air around each of them is by no means as sweet-smelling as it was then and the water that flows over the falls into the harbour is certainly not as pure .
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