Example sentences of "[verb] [been] that " in BNC.

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1 Of all the proposed mega-mergers this year , the only success has been that of Ernst & Young , which merged all its significant practices expect for Canada .
2 The result has been that sterling has become very expensive to borrow , but there is still far too much of it , and the supply is still increasing too fast .
3 The general view has been that theoria is the engine driving the historical development of science and that praxis is merely the application of theoria .
4 The result has been that ‘ investment at the highest levels ever ’ has come from fares , not from any public purse , and that an ‘ economic ’ system has become unsafe as BR and LRT weigh up commercial investment needs against the cost of safety measures and the cost of paying wages sufficient to maintain a safe level of staffing .
5 Do n't skimp on it , because the experience of great Christians has been that without it we can not grow into Christian maturity .
6 In the twentieth century the most dramatic political collapse has been that of the Liberal Party .
7 One of the most popular trends has been that of Drama Games .
8 In the last decade a new basis for argument has been that of consumerism and accountability .
9 The result of this unique situation has been that , although there have been disagreements about which specific reactor type should be built , governments of both main political parties have nearly always accepted the UKAEA 's general pro-nuclear arguments .
10 Suspicions have sometimes been voiced that , whenever government has supported civic education , the reason has been that learning of this kind has been interpreted as supportive of a respectful attitude .
11 One argument against the Government 's third term agenda for local government and the public services has been that , by undermining local authorities , they are increasingly centralizing decision-taking .
12 A side-effect of the right of citizens to make foreign exchange deposits has been that , as inflation has continued and accelerated , the dinar value of these deposits has grown much more rapidly than the value of dinar assets held by households .
13 The outcome has been that , over the past fifteen years , there has been ‘ a huge expropriation of accumulated labour , several times greater than the expropriation which immediately followed the war ’ .
14 My experience has been that for many people there is not all that difference between bringing ‘ God ’ in and touching wood .
15 Whilst the potential here looks considerable , there is just a slight concern that initial reaction has been that medical audit requires a rather more in-depth review of each case than is provided by routine data collection approach .
16 One of the more obvious characteristics of partnerships has been that educational partners are generally the poor relation — at least they usually behave as if they are — probably because partnerships are measured essentially in terms of cash rather than other kinds of resource such as accommodation , talent , expertise , knowledge and creativity .
17 Perhaps the most important of these has been that public education in England and Wales has been a service provided by public local authorities and paid for out of taxes .
18 One of the problems of LEA control has been that local government is a highly politicised domain .
19 The key or ‘ entrée ’ to the new development has been that problematic aspect of school work — projects and assignments .
20 In more recent times , the most highly developed exposition has been that of Wilhelm Reich ( 1897–1957 ) .
21 Dutch experience has been that close cooperation is needed between planners and all of these groups as well as others such as the police , mandating a cautious , incremental , flexible and thus costly style of planning .
22 Our experience has been that to create a new expression of the body of Christ has been to create a new possibility of conversion for many such people .
23 A long-held belief has been that decorated cremation pottery , at least , was a product of specialist workshops which traded their wares ( Myres 1969 ) .
24 An important explanatory concept has been that of ‘ divergent thinking ’ ; or what de Bono in a different context has called ‘ lateral ’ thinking .
25 ‘ The consequence has been that for some time , by mutual agreement , we have led more separate lives . ’
26 And it has been that way for five seasons .
27 The criterion governing the choice has been that which has directed Ortiz 's own collecting : aesthetic quality , with the additional requirement that the works of art should be representative of the best of their culture .
28 One negative consequence of this has been that positive Christian theology on the one hand and the study of religion on the other have very largely tended to go their separate ways ; and this too does little to resolve the problem posed by Troeltsch himself .
29 One result of this has been that theology itself has become ecumenical in a fashion undreamt of a century ago , and many of the main fronts in theological debate and controversy now run across rather than along denominational boundaries .
30 A more fundamental objection has been that music-hall and vaudeville were essentially controlled by showmen who were of course entrepreneurs .
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