Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [is] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The main message of this conference is that the Government has to get to grips with the legislation and put the blame firmly where it lies that is with the people who go out and break the law buying cigarettes . ’
2 Bill supposes that is how these things are done .
3 Erm and when she was talking to me about different people , I 'd never know who they was , because I was never I was never that interested in Bay to er to find out who they was or to remember she 'd point out somebody and say that 's so and so and then when she 'd mention him a couple of days later I 'd go , Who 's that ?
4 There 's nothing like sharing the highs ( and lows ) of success to build bonds : a camaraderie develops that 's hard to match , a shorthand — no need to explain fears and feelings , the other person knows already .
5 Finally it will be bundled with a Windows-based graphical client , something that Pick has long shied away from , but which it now accepts that is on a number of users ' ‘ tick-boxes ’ .
6 If his Mum did the lot , and he thinks that 's as it should be , you 're going to have your work cut out persuading him to do his share .
7 You see , four of us going up and down twice a day , morning and evening , makes sixteen times altogether , and Mr Evans thinks that 's quite enough traipsing .
8 It 's like a pilot having opinions about aeroplanes , nobody thinks that 's odd .
9 If Brian Wilson wishes to echo the slurs of Ian Lang by referring to those organising the call for a referendum as ‘ headless chickens ’ , that is his choice , but if he thinks that is the best way to protect health , education and jobs from Tory policies , it is he who will be judged harshly .
10 Perhaps the Prime Minister thinks that is too modest .
11 Buckingham Palace and Downing Street insist that is the end of it .
12 That 'd suit me seeing that 's black more than navy blue .
13 British Coal insists that is main aim is to hold on to the three-year contracts with the two electricity generators , which will be renegotiated in March next year .
14 THERE is a face that pops up on TV screens that is the most instantly dislikeable I 've ever seen on the tube ; a medium that sets Olympic standards in throwing up instantly dislikeable mugs .
15 Now , it happens that is a very controversial and highly questionable economic proposition .
16 ‘ I have n't spoken to Declan , but unless anything untoward happens that is the plan , ’ he added .
17 But in all these descriptions , as in his characters and his story lines , we are taken from the particular to the general ; we are led to see that it is not what happens that is important nor what effect action has on the people concerned , but what meaning we can extract , or guess at , from the impact on our senses and our intellect of the whole .
18 Anyone who says that is a chauvinist .
19 This says that is the RHS of the constraint in which is slack variable or zero if there is no such constraint .
20 ‘ She says that is good .
21 The Regulation enters into force after the European Parliament has debated it , which should be no later than 31 March 1993 , but the Directive is delayed until October in response to a request by the Netherlands , which says that is not ready yet with its internal laws .
22 His friend says that is impossible ( or silly ) , because …
23 TI says that is figures tend to reflect the trend in failures of more established companies , with historical evidence suggesting that the series often leads other available insolvency indicators by up to six months .
24 Violent abuse , death threats , bomb warnings and evangelical types were also far more common on the phones then , though received Switchboard wisdom says that 's because they have more trouble getting through now and tend to get discouraged and give up quicker than genuine callers .
25 Ever-loyal Leigh says that 's grossly unfair on a woman who proved she could act in the movie Madame Sousatzka and that she could sing and dance in the film version of Thirties musical The Boyfriend .
26 Although the market is growing by some 69% per annum now , Ovum says that 's already down 10% on its 1991 report 's prediction , and will fall to 27% per annum by 1997 .
27 Blufton says that 's the main reason why he 's into prison reform . ’
28 The story goes there 's a little carved head which is nailed by the ears to the door and everyone here says that 's Oliver Cromwell . ’
29 Oxfam says that 's impossible , so they 'll have to withdraw all their toys .
30 But the National Rivers Authority says that 's nonsense .
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