Example sentences of "[verb] [is] also " in BNC.

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1 And in the general fever for branding schemes OSF is also introducing its own programme for vendors to badge their products ‘ OSF certified ’ .
2 ADDS is also previewing a 3270/X programme that provides an X-Window migration path for IBM 3270 terminal users moving to NCR 's System 3000 Unix line .
3 Since expectations are difficult to predict , the amount by which V will fall is also difficult to predict :
4 A second problem with the idea that everything is determined by a grand unified theory is that anything we say is also determined by the theory .
5 The amount of polluting matter discharged is also of considerable significance , but how significant depends on the capacity of the receiving watercourse .
6 If the job description has been properly constructed there should not be an excessive number of applicants so that the next stage of a paper sift is also economical .
7 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
8 Not only is the a sto , the account here of a , a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
9 X/Open chief technical officer , Mike Lambert says X/Open says is also providing support for the Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation , which is trying to get its own POSC branding scheme off the ground with the aim of harmonising IT standards within the oil industry .
10 Substitute cream in recipes with Delight Single Half Fat Alternative to Cream , and dress salads with Yogonaise , Delight 's new low fat dressing — your guests will never know that the delicious food you 're serving is also lower in fat .
11 Many members will be aware that the professional advice on which N C V O depends is also available to them , and other organisations , particularly in the areas of legal work , personnel , finance and office technology , we find there is a high demand for advice which we intend to continue to satisfy in the years ahead .
12 In Bali , where cockfighting is also a controlled ritual , the cocks have two spurs with honed edges , rather than a single spur with a sharpened point , so the battles differ in style and technique , according to the aficionados , rather as swordsmanship differs depending on whether a cutlass or a rapier is used .
13 To listen is also to expect .
14 P.S. Pampers is also supporting the World Wide Fund for Nature in their environmental education programme .
15 PinPoint is also developing a reverse engineering CASE system for Cobol scheduled for 1993 .
16 A central concern must now be exactly that which was identified by Dent nearly 50 years ago — the ‘ threat to democracy ’ , which it has been argued is also present , although manifested in a different form , in the changes in the legal framework to the university sector .
17 Ensuring that all the necessary environmental rules and regulations are met is also Mike 's responsibility , so close liaison with official organisations is another aspect of his daily workload , as is organising and ensuring routine waste monitoring and , if a problem crops up , resolving it .
18 The act of tensing , stretching and releasing is also extremely satisfying to practise .
19 Determining what precisely is to be bought is also negotiable .
20 The issue of how story can be preserved is also central to the fiction of John Barth in whose career one event looms large : his discovery of the Arabian Nights and other cycles of tales from antiquity .
21 the filament used is also resistant to scrubbing techniques , it bounces back nicely and washes clean very well .
22 Further complications have to be added ; for instance , various parts of a herb have different effects because the times of the year for collection affect the content of the herb ; the quantity used is also of major importance , and there are at least 700 medicinal herbs used by European races .
23 Echo sounding is also responsible for an erroneous impression given on chart traces , suggesting that the loch walls continue down for 1000 m or so beneath a filling of loose sediment .
24 What parents are shown is also important .
25 Thus , whilst not discounting the possibility of a long-standing personality trait , the appeal for imaginative empathy with which this chapter began is also its ending .
26 The passive of hear is also often used to present an occurrence as an attested fact : ( 70 ) This term was also used by the cowboy in the sense of a human showin " fight , as one cowboy was heard to say , he arches his back like a mule in a hailstorm .
27 An American edition of Streamline is also available and some schools use this as well as the British edition according to the needs of different classes .
28 Frequently a horse that habitually rears when it is mounted is also likely to rear every time it feels anxious , such as when it is passed by a truck on the road or it sees a monster ; but it is especially likely to rear when it is asked to stand still .
29 What this singularity and uniqueness of the auratic work of art imply is also its isolation from the social , both in its inaccessibility and in the absence of political effectiveness ( Benjamin 1975b , p. 225 ) .
30 CITES is also expected to back a British proposal for Appendix II listing of Turkish exports of winter daffodils .
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