Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] like " in BNC.

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1 And how many other women had he made feel like that ?
2 This usage may be dialectal , as suggested by Kirchner ( 1952 : 456 ) , who gives the following examples from the twentieth century : ( 195 ) It was n't pleasant to be made feel like a good-for-nothing little brat .
3 It was n't pleasant , after being cock of the school , to be made feel like a good-for-nothing little brat tied to her apron strings . "
4 You would n't dare behave like this if your father were still alive . ’
5 Alex teaches Peter Grant how to do look like Holly ( or is it Eric Morecombe )
6 My favourite 10 seconds of Bruce Springsteen is the irresponsibly euphoric opening holler of 1980 's Hungry Heart : ‘ Got a wife and kids in Baltimore , Jack / I went out for a ride and I never went back ’ , but he never lets go like that here .
7 You do think like Daddy , do n't you ? ’
8 On the other hand it would be so much simpler for explanatory purposes if animals did behave like the rational egoists of classical economics .
9 The research concluded that , in some respects , patients could and did behave like consumers in a marketplace , shopping around for good quality care .
10 ‘ I did behave like a fool , ’ he admitted at last .
11 I mean , we urgently certainly we can psychoanalyse a group , you know , the group psy the group psychology , because we all understand how groups act , and we can say , oh , yes groups act like that , you do act like that , that makes sense and that can prove it , you know .
12 And people do behave like that … ’
13 I neither looked like John Wayne , nor sounded like him , but I did feel like him .
14 I really did feel like a Queen for a moment , well , even longer when I found it was not a flash in the pan , but that they were really going to stay with us .
15 But if you do feel like it , you only have to call in at the shop .
16 ‘ I do feel like that .
17 very handy , yes I have to admit I do feel like my
18 I now realize that there are different kinds of Jews , ranging from the ultra-religious Chasidim who do dress like that , to Liberal Jews who do not recognize the holy nature of the Bible and who prefer to keep whichever laws they can rationalize .
19 Lancashire people do speak like Rita Fairclough .
20 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
21 Roberta Junk do sound like a wacky tip for the top !
22 They do sound like good people .
23 Yeah no the Black are good but they do sound like the Stones .
24 Not because I actually felt at home with all the ‘ weirdos ’ in there but because the shop really did look like my nan 's house .
25 It did look like Tumbleweed .
26 So I was surprised to encounter one firm with a collection of what really did look like my sort of junk .
27 And it 's rather a good thing this one did look like a tramp , ’ she added , ‘ because you might not have talked to him if you had n't mistaken him for a poor old man , and he would n't have learned anything about Brownies , and we should n't be going to continue to enjoy the use of his lovely Park .
28 Janine did look like an angel .
29 Yes , she did look like a goose or better still , a gosling , lumpy and unformed ; like a German Royal , with a smooth tight bosomy droop in front , and a face with protruding nose and gobbly lips .
30 He did not look like a wolf , but he did look like a young man with an eye for a girl , and techniques that would bear watching .
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