Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mathematical and computer-assisted models , for example , can enhance the data obtained from six subjects in an LD50 test which previously killed many times more than this .
2 running and responding to the HARDCOPY VERIFIER to let LIFESPAN know which hard copied volumes are to be accepted or rejected .
3 You must ensure that any loads carried or towed or secured and do check and see , do not overload your vehicle or trailer , when on a motor cycle , scooter or moped you must wear a safety helmet or designed which maybe fastened securely , you also must wear sturdy boots and gloves , tell other seen , wear something bright coloured or bright , reflect the material , open the door , brighten materials help in daylight as do and sheen .
4 The beetle emerges in June or August via a few and scattered flight holes about 6–12mm ( 1/4–1/2in ) long which inadequately represent the true extent of the unseen damage .
5 As the pupils continue through the tasks a wider range of source materials could be added which also included more sophisticated language .
6 The absence of any legal bar to association will not , for example , create the ability to associate if there are heavy costs involved which only some groups can bear .
7 It is thus not surprising that there is no single psychological theory of driving which adequately describes all components of the task .
8 Worse than that the home team was behind in all but three of the matches on the course when a dramatic change in fortune occurred which completely transformed the match .
9 Indeed in the Future of the Profession Report of 1970 , the text preceding a recommendation that the Institution have a structure of three chapters , stated , inter alia , that ‘ there is an historical nexus between land agency , general practice and building surveying which still validates the view that they are different applications of the same basic skills . ’
10 In the Potteries a prosperous general dealer in china and earthenware had handed over his business to his sons , who subsequently let the business collapse : his grandson remembered him ‘ sitting in the sunshine … just below the house which was once his own. , More successful in his retirement was a London coal merchant who provides the single instance of the complete change of life and place which today is a widespread ideal for retirement .
11 And the benefits of this is that er , as you know , erm , inflation takes over , and we measure our spending power against that , five pounds in your pocket today , wo n't buy what tomorrow , what it bought this year , and next year , what it would have bought this year .
12 So many lies and half-truths have distorted what actually took place .
13 The question is how do ‘ cultural revolutionary ’ cadres work within a framework of democracy , a word which is not emphasized for the purposes of irony but to indicate what still remains the central principle on which cultural revolution must be conducted .
14 It is hard for parishes to know what exactly they can do for the unemployed .
15 Finally , the author uses language which frequently shows distinct signs of improvisation : for instance , in the sentence quoted earlier on the treatment of marble , it is difficult to know what exactly is meant by the ‘ skin ’ .
16 He would gladly have given a year 's salary just to know what exactly was the relationship between these two .
17 Too taken aback to know what else to do , Folly stood aside and watched as he carried in four more boxes .
18 I would like to know what else he wants as part of this deal ie : does he want to cut exam fees ?
19 I just want to know what why
20 No it 's alright I I just thought it helps me and the jury to know what where we are in the evidence .
21 Fabia would very much have liked to know what indeed it was that was happening to him , but , her heart pounding , it was a question that she was afraid to ask in case the answer was another knock-down .
22 ‘ I 'd just like you to know what really happened , that 's all .
23 We are all curious to know what really goes on in other families and all equally determined to preserve the privacy of our own family life .
24 Adding that no-one seems to know what really happened , Slater went on to say that it was an apparent lack of early commitment by Motorola 's management which led to the loss of Sun and others as takers for the 88000 .
25 Many people want to know what actually happened .
26 But it would be nice to know what actually caused that crash .
27 Teams of security staff police the laboratory , guarding the precious property , protecting what potentially could lead to the greatest fortune ever ; the combined wealth of Rockefeller , Vanderbilt and Onassis is a mere drop in the ocean compared to the promise of test-tube fusion .
28 He 'd seen Nancy and Frank embracing in the back of the car , so closely entwined that it had been impossible to guess what else they were doing .
29 Each needs to find time to discover what exactly such issues as intellectualism , world consciousness , political awareness and moral values mean to their professional lives .
30 Have you made efforts to discover what early modern towns looked like and what the landscape 's appearance might be ?
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