Example sentences of "[verb] [that] in " in BNC.

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1 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
2 We are not denying that in the case of an alien culture one has less right to criticize than in one 's own , out of lack of experience of what it can be like to live in it .
3 She 's talking about improved representation and personalize that in relation to the Northumberland area , which would n't contradict what , whatever flows from structures and branch structures in the transitional period er which is you know good six months to a , a , a year away as it were .
4 In January 1990 it was disclosed that in 1976 a meltdown at Greifswald had only narrowly been averted .
5 24 the government disclosed that in the Tibesti region of northern Chad 49 people had been killed in various attacks on civilians since mid-August by forces loyal to former President Hissène Habré .
6 The survey disclosed that in a three-week period , 309 vessels had passed through the firth and that 94 had refused to identify themselves .
7 It was generally supposed that in the days of wheel spinning six spinners were needed to keep a weaver at work , and the area around the centres of cloth manufacture within which spinning was put out was so much more extensive than that in which the weaving was undertaken that spinning was done " almost everywhere " .
8 They suggest that in 1987 British electors relied much more heavily on television than the press for information , but only a little more for vote-guidance .
9 I suggest that in early modern England the sodomite , though not an identity in the modern sense , could and did denote subject positions or types ; ‘ he ’ precisely characterized deviant subject positions as well as denoting the behaviour of individuals .
10 More detached observers suggest that in the next century historians may see Mrs Thatcher as a figure having no more long-term significance than Wilson , Heath , or Callaghan .
11 However , figures from market researchers Verdict suggest that in 1988 , Comet had 7.6 per cent of the market , Lasky 's — since bought by Kingfisher — 1.2 per cent and Dixons almost 18 per cent .
12 I 'm not sure whether 40 years later , the same mechanism made the word ‘ capitalism ’ popular among the people ; the Leipzig demonstrations suggest that in Saxony , at least , it may have done .
13 Estimates suggest that in the European Community as a whole , at least 10% of families with children are lone parent families ( Roll , 1989 ) .
14 They suggest that in pigeon autoshaping the level of associability of a stimulus might determine , in part , the likelihood that it will be responded to .
15 Therefore , these findings suggest that in this experimental model evidence of enhanced platelet function occurs before evidence of endothelial damage , suggesting that the enhanced platelet aggregation is not merely secondary to endothelial cell damage .
16 Reports suggest that in many areas , textbooks and materials are anyway not available , since provincial traders are not interested in distributing them .
17 Some recent experiments carried out by Corey Goodman in Stanford , California and his colleagues suggest that in insects a small group of pioneer cells may provide a labelled ‘ streetmap ’ along which the developing neurons can navigate by using a simple set of directions to locate their specific targets .
18 Conclusions from the Dragon Project suggest that in some cases the stone circle can act as a ‘ shield ’ from outside energies .
19 They suggest that in many circumstances , and particularly more recently , the central problems facing management are not so much to do with control over labour but are much more to do with such matters as obtaining orders for products , getting the design right , innovating , and handling their relations with the capital market .
20 I suggest that in our social hospitality we should follow an example set by India during the war years and limit the number of guests at all such functions to fifty .
21 I would like to extend this idea and suggest that in larger homes there are likely to be groups of residents with particular needs requiring appropriate provision , such as those with severe physical disability , considerable mental infirmity , ethnic minority elders more estranged than usual in a residential environment , and those who are terminally ill or dying .
22 Wahler and Dumas ( 1986 ) suggest that in these families the only predictable response that the child receives from the mother is that she behaves aggressively when he does .
23 But I would place a somewhat different emphasis , and suggest that in the Chewong case fear is a positive emotion and encouraged in children because to be fearful is to be human , while the arousal of other inner states is negatively valued and discouraged — as manifest in the various rules that forbid them ( see Howell 1981 ) .
24 Even Mains ' warmest admirers suggest that in his early days as Otago coach Mains could be abrupt , and sometimes difficult of manner .
25 Both suggest that in the area of sexual morality the change has been towards less restraint , less control and more choice .
26 The findings suggest that in the management of pregnant women phenylalanine control needs to be , if anything , even stricter than in children with phenylketonuria .
27 With regard to intrauterine devices we suggest that in some women developing endometriosis while using them the disease goes unrecognised and they are treated by removal of the device .
28 The data provided suggest that in all cases the prevalence of morbidity increases significantly with age .
29 Government policy and commercial development thus came together to make the Tokugawa period an era of rapid urbanization ; estimates suggest that in the early 1800s around 15 per cent of the population could be considered as dwelling in urban areas .
30 In so far as it is difficult to state educational objectives in terms of measurable outcomes — and we suggest that in the case of the stated objectives of the ESSE/L Project this is particularly true — a positivist approach to appraising the project according to some simple notion of " value for money " was simply impossible .
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