Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] [is] " in BNC.

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1 One reason why the ideological premises of grammar so often remain hidden is that linguists deny their existence .
2 Perhaps he has just waited to see what was emerging and then stepped in quickly to take the initiative and carry forward the proposal which he has sensed is about to emerge .
3 The legal advice an applicant has received is part of the evidence that a remedy .
4 ‘ The visitors ’ centre which the company has developed is now one of the most impressive and popular attractions of its kind in Northern Ireland , ’ he said .
5 Meanwhile , the kite that Lord Hanson has flown is bobbing around in the political and financial winds .
6 The time has wandered on to 11.15 pm and the only person that the august gathering has heard is the MC , but it is now time to introduce the first speaker , who needs little or no introduction .
7 Easily the largest component of the landfills he has examined is paper and board .
8 Er , I think Prince who , perhaps dealt with domestic politics , but one thing he has exposed is the green cause which I 'm very pleased about because I do n't think that the politicians in this country take these issues seriously enough !
9 The corrective that Mr Welch has prescribed is bold enough to suggest that his second decade as chief executive could be as radical as the first .
10 Antonia added : ‘ I think the reason he has resigned is because of the particular allegations which have just occurred . ’
11 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
12 The specific question that Aspect , together with jean Dalibard and Gérard Roger , has attacked is commonly known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox , the essence of which runs as follows .
13 One of the strengths Scotland has enjoyed is having a group of players who have become stronger than the individuals .
14 The model which Interplayce has designed is a result of thinking from ‘ the child in , rather than the building out .
15 What has mattered is their ultimate reception as ecumenical by the Church at large .
16 In other words what any other writer has written is open territory .
17 Wilfred Owen has written many different types of poems and the only other well-known sonet that he has written is ‘ Anthem for Doomed Youth ’ .
18 Even the government 's re-entry into the gilts market as public borrowing has risen is seen as a sign of hope .
19 Whether one accepts that view or not — and I do not think that it is valid in its simple form ( see Fine and Harris ( 1985 ) ) — it is a powerful one ; in that context , the fact that the proportion of foreign assets in UK pension funds ' total investments has risen is a mark of the power that the post-1979 boom in the City 's foreign investment has had .
20 Once you have made the appointment and the candidate has accepted is this the end of the recruitment and selection process ?
21 A casual worker who , without good reason , fails to turn up for an assignment which he has accepted is unlikely to be offered assignments in the future .
22 This change erodes the distinction between university and what were previously known as ‘ public sector ’ institutions , and may blur what Burgess ( 1977 , pp. 2332 ) has argued is a contrast between the ‘ autonomous ’ ( university ) and ‘ service ’ ( polytechnic/ college ) traditions .
23 John MacGregor , Minister of Food , Fisheries and Agriculture What John ( MacGregor ) has said is he 's thinking about the possibility of banning cheese ( made ) from non-pasteurised milk , but it has n't got beyond that .
24 Agreeing with something someone else has said is a powerful way to encourage them to go on and say more .
25 All that the other person has said is what he does not believe .
26 Do n't just listen and then go away without first checking that your interpretation of what the person has said is accurate .
27 ‘ What he has said is so stupid .
28 ‘ Everything the Doctor has said is the truth , ’ Vanessa told the crowd .
29 The Yasa will not be offended against if the ship is steered not by an oar , but by what the Khan has said is called a rudder , being just another kind of oar which is fixed to the stern of the vessel .
30 Yes I have spoken to Mrs who is the er er the woman involved and what she has said is this , the We ca n't directly we ca n't directly get hold of it , they wo n't send it out into the community .
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