Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] down " in BNC.

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1 The two men were no longer at the bottom of the stairs , and , envisaging all sorts of dramas , including murder , she crept slowly down .
2 One day they might slow right down and start to fall back again — like a stone thrown into the air — it slows down , pauses for a moment , and then falls back again .
3 The dinghy had floated right down to him and he had used his last reserves of energy to clamber into it .
4 When the little animal is disturbed it burrows furiously down into the ground until it has completely disappeared except for its horny rump .
5 Sam said , frowning , ‘ You ca n't have dived out under the curtain , it goes right down to the river bed . ’
6 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things like icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
7 It believes that unless the final COSE specification is very tight , and goes right down to things such as icons and bars , then there is certain to be a wide variety of very different COSE interfaces on the market .
8 I can remember waiting some minutes before walking through the house , knowing that there must be proof of burglary at the back door , and when I got there in an uncomprehending state , lo and behold the kitchen door was broken right down !
9 However , at the end of the film , the car driven by Mark ( Sean Connery ) drives right down to the end of the road , and instead of falling into the ( non-existent ) harbour , turns right into a previously unsuspected street or quay along its edge and disappears from view .
10 Its colour void led to clean , efficient lines which had an appeal that passed right down to the high street .
11 A bath safety-rail made of chromium-plated tubular steel makes getting in and out of the bath much easier and safer ; and a bath seat with a back support eliminates the need to sit right down in the bath ( see Chapter 12 ) .
12 A puff of wind swung it round on its vane , and snatched a bunch of twigs from its beak and sent them twirling slowly down the steeple to the ground at Carol 's feet , where they sank into the snow .
13 He gazed despairingly down at his blotter .
14 You had to go right down to the bottom to the lavatory : that was a game , that was .
15 quite easy , well it was comparatively easy , only trouble was of course that erm at night erm one had to go right down from County Hall to Barrett Corner to get on the bus because they were so full by the time they got to County Hall and erm so I used to walk down there with erm a chap from the Education Department , who was in the Works and Stores , a chap and erm , he was quite helpful .
16 Before stepping unrepentantly down ( in 1989 ) , he entrenched himself as commander of the army for six further years , intending thus to protect the criminals who had done the dirty work while he was president .
17 The restoration of this historic fighter has been completed right down to the last detail , it carries a complete set of camera ports , although the cameras have not been fitted .
18 Over in Ireland , BOB DYLAN got his collar felt last week when a hotel security guard accosted him as he crept stealthily down a little-used fire escape .
19 From desk bods right down to people in the field .
20 Look if you put your boat into the boat-house now , he would n't see it till he got right down here again , and then perhaps- ’
21 They were all , when you got right down to it , nomes .
22 Her family were nice , lived somewhere down in Sussex , a normal middle-class country family .
23 Once Abraham can see the place where he will kill his son , the pace of the narrative slows right down .
24 Grip lashes with the curlers as close to the roots as possible and hold for five seconds , then repeat halfway down the lashes .
25 As Everton regrouped bad-temperedly , Crystal Palace attacked swiftly down the left , Rodger pulled the ball back from the byline and Coleman sidefooted into an empty net .
26 Mrs Knelle 's garden — or perhaps I should say ‘ grounds ’ — meandered gently down to the narrow lakeside road .
27 As Ross watched her gazing fondly down at the babies , whose heads were already covered with dark hair , and — so Laura had firmly informed him — were carbon copies of their father , he knew that he was an incredibly lucky man .
28 Thomas was motor-crazy , she thought , gazing fondly down at the small dungareed figure .
29 On one occasion Wallace rode daringly down upon Scone and put to flight an English justiciar who was busily pronouncing outlawry upon anyone who refused to swear loyalty to Edward .
30 Her thoughts taking flight , Luce found they had stopped halfway down a bare stone corridor .
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