Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] what " in BNC.

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1 I mean effectively what you 're saying is that York has got a capacity for about another three thousand three hundred dwellings ?
2 Yeah , come out with look I mean right what happens any travel agent right will tell ya right that these are that there are huge corporates with massive opportunities for business in the corporate sector particularly on because they 're used to saying that the reps and in the main will buy that because they 'll be able to get something out of it .
3 But really they 're looking at the the er sounds you 're making and the language you 're using rather what , they 're not interested in what we 're saying .
4 So I went to the ravey last night , right , I went down there with Bedlam yeah and I was doing a rave with Bedlam right and he came up to me and he goes so what are your musical tastes then ?
5 fighting , yeah , well they finally get Spender and the bloke from the Sweeney and the trying to shoot him but Spender 's going that wo n't work , they do n't things like that any more cos they ca n't use shooters yeah , and then this flash guy comes up and goes so what are you gon na do
6 He gives it to me erm , he goes you 're just an overgrown greasy burger so I goes so what are you ? away from him .
7 Do you think so what
8 For example if you 've got between thirteen and twenty for an activist that 's a very strong preference , however for a reflector a very strong preference is eighteen to twenty , because by nature most of us tend , you know most of us tend to stand back and think so what we actually need , what we wh what we can see is that when we compare our scores against the general norms it 's a much more accurate picture of our learning style .
9 Iris Murdoch 's fiction represents perhaps what Christine Brooke-Rose was aiming at , not in philosophical or even aesthetic terms , but as narratives which combine readability and lively story-telling with intellectual themes .
10 More and more I do n't bother — she does n't know and there 's usually no-one else to see so what difference does it make ?
11 Do not be limited by seeing only what is said .
12 But they can be fun — providing you gamble only what you can afford to lose .
13 Fairfax then summarizes thoughtfully what the laibon has been saying .
14 The Koi eat only what they can reach and the unit appears to make an effective vegetation filter .
15 The patient can explain only what the problem is .
16 I mean obviously what they want you to do is buy Word .
17 But our guy very I mean basically what happened is our guy waited till a senior officer went into the the screen
18 The real secret of the Anonymous Fellowships is the paradox that one receives only what one gives .
19 In overall terms , there would be impressive savings ( particularly in energy costs ) if each produced only what each produced best .
20 But he stopped there , realising suddenly what that would mean .
21 Companies have shouldered too much debt , to play their own financial games or to avoid being taken over ; the balance of risk and reward has become skewed ; the ethics of advisers and intermediaries have come into question ; the market has departed from good sense and sound financial principles , and has passed , with Alice , into a looking-glass world in which words , prices and obligations mean only what people claim they mean , nothing more .
22 I mean only what anyone would mean by saying that clouds mean ( i.e. are a sign of ) rain or , as in Figure 3 , that bees mean honey .
23 We must see how this doubt develops and be careful to presuppose only what we know to be true and to commit ourselves consciously to the consequences of these suppositions .
24 Now , would n't necessarily suggesting that the existing settlement would have to sustain all of the addition given only what it 's got at the moment .
25 Nobody cared much what happened to it .
26 And , yes , Edward could point out that we live in a time when the very meaning of the word myth has been debased , that it has come to signify only what is untrue , false , misleading ; and , yes , I could largely agree that it is nevertheless by myths we live , and what matters is how large the contrary truths a myth reconciles in its embrace .
27 The job done , we repaired to the kitchen door to see literally what was cooking and to take the printed menus from Angus to put on the tables .
28 Modern readers are likely to be pragmatic ; if a poem like Alice Fell is still convincing as poetry , it matters little what theories it was designed to illustrate ; if it does not succeed , no amount of special pleading can save it .
29 As with any type of climbing it 's the footwork that 's all important , and it matters little what you have in your hands if your feet are n't used properly .
30 To neo-Keynesians it matters little what local authorities spend on revenue account .
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