Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 After a few hundred yards , he sought sanctuary in a nearby house .
2 This incident proved the danger to Special Forces when they sought sanctuary in a neutral country , for Graham Hayes was shot in a Paris prison in the summer of 1943 .
3 Later thousands of Kurdish refugees sought sanctuary in Turkey and Iran .
4 16.33 Pupils should be taught how to handle , and be given experience in using , information and media texts of a variety of kinds .
5 Stirling 's decision not to continue writer in residence is ill-advised
6 For example , the son who is chosen by his family to go and earn money in a town and city may achieve a certain status in the joint family — he has been chosen , after all , for his abilities and strength of mind — but he has to suffer months , even years , of separation from his wife and loss of all contact with those who love him .
7 The learner is enabled to edit and modify text in the same way , say , as an adult journalist would .
8 The requirement for exogenous administration of cholinergic agents to stimulate motility in isolated models of mammalian small bowel , has been described previously .
9 Modernization and the prevailing orthodoxy encouraged the view that Japan was superior to her Asian neighbours and had a duty to promote change in them and fulfil her own destiny .
10 They make money in all ways .
11 Including ACT , they pay more UK tax than they make money in the UK .
12 This is how the professionals make money in a bear market , you know .
13 so you got mollycoddle in a way , have n't you , so you know you say
14 The Government has indicated it will make provision in the Bill for such an amendment .
15 Several alumni have asked how they can make provision in their wills for a bequest which will help future students at Birmingham .
16 If the court gives leave , the trustee must make provision in respect of the proof in question as the court directs .
17 The parties can make provision in the agreement for a different measure of damages which , for example , may be appropriate if the acquirer is to invest large amounts of money in the offeree and hence could lose much more than merely the purchase consideration .
18 Firms favour rise in personal tax
19 DULÉ SKIMMED INTO shore silently , under cover of darkness , and threaded through the banana fronds and mango groves to Ariel 's cabin ; a leaf here , a twig there gave under him , but the English sailor posted watch in the clearing was fast asleep and the others would not have woken from their stone weariness if Dulé had hallooed at them .
20 If the Secretary of State had regularly taken the governors ' advice about appointments , patronage might have been used to control the assemblies — some governors , notably in Massachusetts , were able to get their own way in their assemblies much more often in wartime and , while this was partly due to patriotism and partly due to fear of the French , it does appear that war contracts could build support in what had not always been promising soil for the governors .
21 Because half of the Library 's budget represents payment in advance for subscriptions for the following year , it is extremely difficult to make savings in the current year when financial pressures are exerted .
22 But as the week wore on and Damian made no attempt to see her at night , spend time with her or try to kiss her , she realised he was seeing Domino in the dark , humid hours when Rachel sat alone at home , tortured by jealousy , consumed with it , imagining them together and burning with impotent rage .
23 Literature is an innovative resource book which offers the teacher a wide variety of interesting and practical ideas for using literature in the language class .
24 MIND is now a large ‘ direct-care ’ organization , that is , it receives money in grants from NHS and local authorities to provide some of the elements of the total service described in Chapters 7 and 8 , and it employs a large number of staff to support and enhance the work of the volunteers .
25 ’ If the ship had sustained damage in any of those areas , I would have included the data in my damage survey . ’
26 It follows , I believe , that if the GMC was given responsibility in this area it would have to exercise it comprehensively , in an enormous number of areas of both conventional and unorthodox practice .
27 A racial equality steering committee has now been set up to monitor discrimination in Darlington and the county as a whole .
28 A steering committee has been set up to monitor discrimination in Darlington and the county as a whole and it hopes to get up to £40,000 from Durham County Council and eight district councils to fund the scheme .
29 A racial equality steering committee has now been set up to monitor discrimination in Darlington and the county as a whole .
30 After a rally lasting several weeks , the spot price of gold met resistance in the $180s .
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