Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although flying is officially banned within a radius of one nautical mile and below 2,000 feet around the station , Dr Ray Seymour , a research physicist from Somerset County Council , produced Ministry of Defence figures which showed that roughly 2,400 flights each year from the nearby Yeovilton air base pass over or adjacent to Hinkley Point .
2 ( 9 ) The Court of Session may , by act of sederunt , make rules for the conduct of proceedings under this section .
3 , writes : WHILE LOOKING through a book of Royal photos the other day I noticed that Prince Charles seems to wear kilts of different tartans .
4 The publication by an LEA of a scheme such as Solihull 's is implicitly intended to signal this newly emphasized responsibility to teachers , to persuade them to accept it and to provide them with an agreed agenda for the review .
5 These two techniques are primarily intended for use in table searching in main storage , and are only incidentally usable for direct files ; it is worth noting that they are intended to eliminate the order-preserving properties of division , while using division as a convenient randomizing algorithm .
6 A member of the Spooner family , connected to Wilberforce by his marriage to Barbara Spooner , became Archdeacon of Coventry with responsibility for Birmingham and had close links to the evangelical Calthorpes , landowners and philanthropists in the city .
7 A Tractarian , whose work for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel attracted national attention , he became archdeacon of Dorset in 1862 but resigned , through ill health , nine months later .
9 A Malaysian court has ordered the Japanese chemical manufacturer , Mitsubishi Kaese , to suspend operations at its joint-venture plant in Ipoh , because of allegations that radioactive waste from the plant was contaminating the area .
11 At first the allies decided that the Kurds and the Armenians should be given states of their own in what is now eastern Turkey .
12 Menlo Park-based Objectivity also announced a partners programme for vendors of object information technology to promote provision of application development tools that increase software development productivity for object database applications .
13 She receives £1,000 from the Stanley Morrison Trust .
14 Malaysia sought support for its initiative in various forums and in November 1971 succeeded in gaining a cautious endorsement for it from ASEAN in the form of a declaration issued by a meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers in Kuala Lumpur .
15 Baker also sought support for the USA 's opposition to a Malaysian proposal for an East Asian trade grouping which excluded the USA [ see p. 38535 ] .
16 The HCIMA sought support from all of the relevant industry and education groupings to determine whether this would be supported by all concerned .
17 I jut hope to god Fashanu and John Scales sought themselves out .
18 Genevieve Lloyd , in The Man of Reason : ‘ Male ’ and ‘ Female ’ in Western Philosophy ( 1984 ) , looks at the way in which Western philosophy has conceptualised reason , and shows that throughout its history ideals of reason have incorporated an exclusion of the feminine , which creates both practical and conceptual problems for women who may experience conflicts between reason and femininity .
19 The USA on Nov. 13 suspended a US$19,000,000 aid programme , demanding progress on democratization .
20 Indeed , those dermatologists who have undertaken clinics in general practitioners ' surgeries find that over 40% of the patients seen have to be followed up in a hospital clinic , thus leading to unnecessary duplication of notes and considerable wastage of consultant time and resources .
21 But the Euro-sceptics got support from an unexpected source on Monday evening .
22 Looking back on the community 's experience of opposition , she reflected ‘ If we had got going earlier , and got support from all the locals , if we had n't waffled for ages , and demonstrated properly , and been more vocal — we had difficulty raising money , we just could n't raise money — we would have made an impact .
23 I got support from my sister , but I did miss them .
24 I also got support from er Labour Labour Party in Leith who sent down two volunteers to help me .
25 ‘ You mean if I got kind of aroused right now , I should n't fight it or flounder , or try to control it , but just be it . ’
26 ‘ There are some really good women writers around at the moment ; Shawn Colvin 's excellent , and so 's a woman called Ferron , although she got kind of pigeonholed into ‘ women 's music ’ , and I think that 's limited her audience .
27 sort of got kind of an odd relationship between the friends
28 I 'll bet it got kind of cosy at night !
29 BONG : Then foreign correspondent Brent Sadler , 41 , who quit ITN for CNN at Christmas , split with his second wife .
30 She got the ceiling decorated and made improvements to the entrance to make it more welcoming .
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