Example sentences of "[verb] [be] few " in BNC.

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1 Prisoners and wounded were few , most of those who had fallen or been disarmed being killed as they tried to surrender or lay helpless on the battlefield .
2 The Danuese allowed to participate were few in number and rigorously selected , mostly the same ‘ chiefs ’ who had voted for assimilation into the malai republic in the show referendum of a few weeks back .
3 If the mark of a reborn evangelical is a devotion to the Epistles of St Paul and in particular to the doctrine of Justification by Faith , then there can have been few Christian converts less evangelical than Lewis .
4 In February 1973 , when I first decided to make the journey , there can have been few twenty-eight year olds who were less fit for the task .
5 It is easy now to regard this wonder at an enemy 's humanity as naïve , but as it is the business of war to foster the naïveté on which it thrives , so there can have been few people in England during the isolation years of 1940–42 who did not take the impersonal nature of their enemy for granted .
6 There can have been few more painful moments in Melvyn Bragg 's professional life than when he sat in the audience of a public performance where Barry Humphries , in the guise of Edna Everage , asked if anyone had read any of Bragg 's novels and nobody raised their hand .
7 One might imagine , perhaps wrongly , that there would have been few craftsmen who either alone or in a group would at any one time have been capable of producing such an item because of the variety of skills required in its production .
8 So widely dispersed was industrial activity that there can have been few parts of the country that did not support it in one form or another .
9 There may have been few spiritual insights in his system , but in his Principles of philosophy ( 1644 ) he did insist that bodies continue in existence only because God preserves them in being .
10 Third Class golfers must have been few and far between as my ticket example is only number 16 !
11 ‘ With an auction , you 've got to be certain that at least two buyers are there who can commit themselves , and the difficulty is that buyers who can proceed are few and far between , ’ said David Phillip , a director of Yorkshire estate agents Dacre Son and Hartley .
12 In practice variations so caused are few : in every land the total number of list seats nearly always turns out to be either the same as the total number of constituency seats or to differ from it by only one or two .
13 Whether this redirection has yet had much effect in the classroom is another matter entirely from my own observations there seems as yet to have been few major changes in practice .
14 Putting these together , it would mean that a life-saving service would not have by any means the highest priority if the lives saved were few or were ones of mere existence .
15 There had been few expectations that the Chancellor would announce a significant change of course , but disappointment that Mr Lawson said nothing new on monetary policy sent sterling 0.50 pfennigs lower to close at DM2.9562 .
16 Letters from the States had been few and far between of late , although money from Sean still came from time to time .
17 But they had been few in number .
18 The Catch 22 problem was that for several years there had been few big headlines about fusion as no dramatic breakthroughs had been occurring .
19 Barbara , whose previous experiences in that line had been few but enjoyable , remembered with guilty nostalgia the handful of nights she had spent with the managing director at the Royal Albion in Brighton .
20 Her pack slapped against her back as she jumped down beside Defries , reminding her that she was at last running out of supplies : there had been few explosives on the shuttle .
21 His sober , professional and dependable manner , as much as his editorial position , had put him on good terms with most managing directors of most record companies , but his contacts with Branson — while always cordial — had been few .
22 In parish churches , however , there was a long period of stagnation , although there were improvements in standards and taste , and until the time of Vatican II there had been few developments in the Liturgy and its music .
23 Mandru had been away on business for much of the time since Lucien had arrived , so performances had been few .
24 In 1940 and 1941 there had been few links between Free France and the clandestine movements in France .
25 His name has been moderately conjured with by British academics , but there have been few attempts to systematize his work for the classroom , as has happened in the United States .
26 THERE have been few moments , if any , in the century-long history of Sheffield football rivalry when a goal by a Wednesday player has set United followers dancing with delight .
27 THERE have been few hiding places for the French coach Jacques Fouroux since the embarrassment of defeat against Australia at Strasbourg .
28 For Essex there have been few such problems , and his batting has been , after Keith Fletcher 's captaincy , probably the chief reason for their successes .
29 There have been few set pieces .
30 However , historians and contra-cyclical investors may argue that there have been few five year periods since the Second World War when deposits have outperformed equities — and stock markets should revive over the next five years .
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