Example sentences of "[verb] [be] last " in BNC.

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1 He tried to remember where he 'd been last .
2 God knows where she 'd been last night . ’
3 She fully expected him to ignore her sarcastic question , or , in his delightfully blunt fashion , tell her he was out for a walk , not an idle chinwag , when , to cause her to falter in her stride , ‘ How about — where you 'd been last Thursday while I waited outside your flat for you to come home ? ’
4 MANCHESTER UNITED were last night involved in a bizarre transfer mix-up with Barnet over striker Gary Bull .
5 ‘ It must have been last night ! ’
6 But it seems to be a lot less than it might have been last year , I mean I , do we know how many that 's , we 're talking about ?
7 Strode 's last public action was to sign a protest against ship money .
8 Samuel Barber 's Adagio for Strings was well enough played but lacked the last ounce of passion , and suffered badly from the aurally obtrusive air conditioning system , Randall Thompson 's Alleluya showed that the Festival Chorus on this occasion were equally as adept at unaccompanied singing as their counterparts had been last week .
9 How different things had been last spring , for all their difficulties .
10 That had been last night .
11 Mrs Frizzell stopped half-way into a bone-coloured skirt — bone had been last year 's fashionable colour , according to the Tollemarche Advent .
12 For Soho was where she had been last evening , wondering what to do and where to go to fill the time ; there , in Shaftesbury Avenue , she had seen Lucinda and the airmen .
13 The plate from which he had eaten his hamburgers and frozen green beans , which had been last night 's supper , still unrinsed in the sink ; the splatter of grease marks above the ancient gas stove ; the viscous mess of grime gumming the narrow gap between stove and cupboard ; the soiled and smelly teacloth hanging from its hook at the side of the sink ; last year 's calendar askew on its nail ; the two open shelves jammed with a conglomeration of half-used cereal packets , jars of stale jam , cracked mugs , packets of detergent ; the cheap , unstable table with its two chairs , their backs grubby from numerous clutching hands ; the linoleum curving at the wall where it had become unstuck ; the general air of discomfort , uncaring , negligence , dirt .
14 He had been last year 's judge and immediately he said he 'd come to the prize presentation on the evening of the 19th and judge the judge 's choice .
15 She had been last noticed at the wheel of the car when the Josephs arrived there .
16 The marsh-mist was far denser than it had been last night , and there was nothing solid to give direction anywhere .
17 But that had been last month .
18 A few , those who had been last in the line , turned their horses in time and rode for Ruthyn to carry the news , and were not hindered in their going .
19 What she said was last time the assessor came in
20 Well I meet clients quite a bit erm the last one I actually made was last week
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