Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] would " in BNC.

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1 Do you want or would like
2 Also one would have to work out whether peasants were subsistence minded in that how that once they 'd achieved their subsistence was that all they would want or would they really want to sort of erm work harder and start sharing all their tools and implements in order to gain an even higher productivity .
3 Anglo-American relations , too , proved less harmonious than Britain expected or would have liked .
4 Now what was it , I mean or would you prefer anything else ?
5 At best we might get material from which a more or less dubious inference might be drawn as to what the promoters intended or would have intended if they had thought about the matter , and it would , I think , generally be dangerous to attach weight to what some other members of either House may have said .
6 Perishable goods would perish or would have to be warehoused at an additional cost .
7 The general safety requirement is encapsulated in s10(2) which provides : ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section consumer goods fail to comply with the general safety requirement if they are nor reasonably safe having regard to all the circumstances , including ( a ) the manner in which , and purposes for which , the goods are being or would be marketed , the get-up of the goods , the use of any mark in relation to the goods and any instructions or warnings which are given or would be given with respect to the keeping , use or consumption of the goods ; ( b ) any standards of safety published by any person either for goods of a description which applies to the goods in question or for matters relating to goods of that description ; and ( c ) the existence of any means by which it would have been reasonable ( taking into account the cost , likelihood and extent of any improvement ) for the goods to have been made safer .
8 so what , would n't it be more economical to learn to drive or would it not ?
9 The central problem for the government is to determine the value of the subsidy to the ‘ social ’ railway , that is the services that would not exist or would be extremely highly priced without state support , and to set appropriate targets for the ‘ commercial ’ railway .
10 If there is any provision contained in these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements of which they form part which causes or would cause these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangement of which they form part to be subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 then that provision shall not take effect until the day after particulars of these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements ( as the case may be ) shall have been duly furnished to the Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to that Act .
11 Would they riot or would they be relieved that an even-handed exercise had removed their tormentors ?
12 In the larger firms , determination of profit sharing ratios will be entrusted to a committee whose conclusions all partners would be bound to accept or would be put into effect pending any contrary decision of the partners .
13 He not only believed that she would be a willing accessory to his two-timing Cavell , but that Cavell either would n't realise what was happening or would n't mind if she did .
14 In doing this it would have been helpful to include profitability or value added as the independent variable but in all countries there were many companies which did not know or would not release these figures in relation to individual products .
15 He said : ‘ We can therefore expect , on government logic , local Conservative Associations to be taken over by business ratepayers bent on winning control of councils to promote spending on services and goods they either supply or would benefit them .
16 It is essential that a transmitter can be inactivated as soon as it has conveyed its message ; if it were not so , the system would be clogged or would receive needless repetitions of the same message .
17 Just over a half of the part-time farmers said that they used or would use off-farm income for the farm .
18 He uses another shabby character , Tigg , to do his scrounging for him , he himself being ‘ of too haughty a stomach to work , to beg , to borrow , or steal ; yet mean enough to be worked or borrowed , begged or stolen for , by any catspaw that would serve his turn ; too insolent to lick the hand that fed him in his need , yet cur enough to bite and tear it in the dark ’ .
19 ‘ The goal was to develop a research process that would result in systematic , accurate collection of land ownership data while facilitating maximum participation and potential for follow-up action . ’
20 They are thought to have formed by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust — a process that would have been much more widespread early in Earth history than at present , owing to the higher thermal gradients prevailing at that time .
21 HP pooh-poohs Sun 's programme for focusing solely on discounts and wanting to move Domain users to ‘ ageing members of Sun 's product family ’ then on to Sparcstation 10s in two step process that would require going first to Solaris 1.0 and then to Solaris 2.0 .
22 These include proposals to codify in detail the criteria for applying the rule of reason , to reduce antitrust penalties for ventures that include cooperating in the production and marketing of the fruits of R&D , to establish a ‘ safe harbour ’ for collaborating firms that lack market power , and to establish an administrative review process that would clear proposals which might otherwise risk antitrust penalties ( for further details , see Brodley , 1990 ; Shapiro and Willig , 1990 ; Jorde and Teece , 1990 ; and others ) .
23 ‘ Who is here so base that would be a bondsman ?
24 We would be delighted , and I expect that would blight his future even more , but it is essential that we have a mechanism to check on what is happening so that there is information and a body to which people can bring their grievances so that matters are properly set out and , more important , rectified before damage is done .
25 Our cell culture experiments do not support this suggestion as they did not show the synergy between EGF and TAGH that would be predicted , but because of the inhibitory effect of TAGH alone at the concentrations used , they can not refute this possibility .
26 If that could be added that would achieve my objectives and we can all get on to the debate about V A T on .
27 The answer is that the advice that should have been given in the circumstances that prevailed on that date was , that if the plaintiffs wished to ignore the contract then they were entitled to serve a completion notice which because the vendor was unable to obtain that would have meant that the vendor would be unable to comply with the completion notice and accordingly the contract would have come to an end .
28 Yes he 's built a business up and I 'm not denying him that er or anything at all , But somehow now er I do n't know whether the wheel is turning too fast for him to co keep up with it or whether it 's erm oh never mind the erm the industry of the locality , providing the money stakes a I know every business has got to pay for itself and that we we 're not , If this quarry was on the down grade and er er somebody had come to us said , look unless you take a drop in your wages er we ca n't survive that would be a different issue altogether .
29 The capitalist system had to be unchained and the conditions created that would allow it to flourish .
30 The short-term objectives of the network are to raise women 's awareness of their image in the mass media , to obtain relevant information from research and networking that would motivate women to lobby for change , and to equip women with specific skills that would help build and strengthen alternative communication for and by women .
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