Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The commonsense view that to proceed with care is to proceed slowly can also be reversed in high level skills , there are instances where speed seems to be an essential accompaniment of delicate discrimination ( Lacy , 1978 ) .
2 ‘ These are very specific injuries which if not treated properly can ruin someone 's sporting future , ’ said Nigel .
3 Staining times in particular are highly variable , and those given herein should only be used as a starting point .
4 That has now risen to around 11:1 and if the squeeze goes on could go even higher .
5 they wanted to er you know given these guidelines I 'd think right let's , as you were saying , just go for it and
6 no I suppose , it could be painted on could n't it ? , they never bothered with these lady did they ? , cos its modern i n't it , modern made
7 As a matter of business economics , if the capital originally invested is eroded , for example by distributing capital amounts in the form of dividends , then the business 's ability to carry on will be diminished .
8 Then the identity and details of any information passed on will be logged on secure computer files in a numbers code .
9 Counsel on both sides were pressing for a settlement ; to go on would be futile .
10 To go on would be like stepping blindfold into the dark , and she was n't ready .
11 To anyone who has n't been to , taught at or scrounged off , a modern university , the prospect of tracking somebody down with basically only a name to go on must sound daunting .
12 " Sit down will you , please .
13 Stress alone can be more harmful than cigarette smoking and has been proven to operate indirectly against the fetus because of the woman 's behaviour under stress .
14 Well you would think so would n't you but it Nobody ever to say anything about it .
15 You would n't think so would you ?
16 Had she been Matron , her telling me to sit down would have told me immediately that whatever her reason for wanting to see me it was not to sack me .
17 He ought to sit down should n't he ?
18 Yet the slightest deviation from procedures laid down could prove disastrous .
19 The original base figure which is adjusted annually may bear no relation to the true needs of the department .
20 So a horse that is roughly bridled may become ‘ head shy ’ and always throw its head when someone tries to put a bit in its mouth ; or a horse that is galled by the saddle when it is initially broken in may always have a ‘ cold back ’ and buck ; and a horse that has its girths thoughtlessly tightened immediately to the top hole may become ‘ girth shy ’ .
21 Well if the Conservatives got in would you cut back the money allocated to recreation and would you cut back on the recreation services ?
22 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
23 Although some of the criteria listed below may appear obvious , it is necessary to state them because , sadly , some of the major schemes do not meet these standards .
24 I apologize for the fact that delays in obtaining some of the necessary information have made it impossible to produce detailed cost estimates , but the considerations listed below should enable us to determine whether such a change would be worthwhile .
25 Most of the directories listed below should be available in the reference section of your local library , but after an initial study at the library it is advisable to buy one or two for company use .
26 Alternatively the three organisations listed below will be able to advise you on qualified photographers in your area .
27 The CTRL and ESC keys pressed together will take you from an open application to DOSShell .
28 There is a form provided by the registry ; if this is not used , a letter such as is given below could be used instead : To Registry Trust Ltd , 173 – 175 , Cleveland Street , London , W1P 5PE Request for Postal Search of the Register Please search the Register for the years 198 – to 198 – ( inclusive ) for entries against the undermentioned : Surname Forenames Present Address Previous Address(es) ( if known ) I enclose a fee of £ Signature Address Date The remittance by cheque or postal order for the fee should be made payable to Registry Trust Ltd .
29 The methods and ideas given below should not necessarily be followed exactly .
30 It is not simply a contractual relationship which can be ended at will , for what God has joined together can not be ended lightly .
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