Example sentences of "[noun] place at " in BNC.

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1 A burial place at Westminster among the aforesaid three illustrious kings was ‘ more fitting and more beautiful ’ .
2 Born the son of a bank official , he was 23 when he made the five-week voyage to Britain aboard the Northern Star armed with an Auckland University degree to take up his scholarship place at Balliol College , Oxford , in the early 1960s .
3 She remembered that John 's only rehearsal place at the time was in a long room above a sundry warehouse in Lower Moseley Street .
4 No doubt he exaggerated ( such was his wont where his conscience was concerned ) ; yet the only news she had received from Em herself had not been happy ; and now — to learn that she had suffered a miscarriage in that desert place at such a time of year , and that she had not felt able to share the grief of it with her own affectionate sister …
5 several years in care , the sixteen-year-old could n't believe her luck when she landed a YTP place at Lurgan Community Workshop .
6 A Cakes and Wine Evening on Jan. 7 at the usual meeting place at Balerno High School .
7 His parents were delighted when Bill won the equivalent of an 11-plus place at the local grammar school .
8 The auburn-haired left-winger moved to Aston Villa in August 1922 for £500 but found himself unable to win a regular first team place at Villa Park , because of the brilliant form of Villa 's English International winger , Arthur Dorrell .
9 " I got mine at the cut price place at the end of the Queenstown Road . "
10 CLIFF PLACE at one time led to the beach and the bankers .
11 On his return he settled at last under the protection of Cuthbert , first in the saint 's own resting place at Durham , then in a hermitage under the protection of Durham cathedral priory at Finchale by the river Wear — and the rest of his life is filled with his prayers and visions and miracles at Finchale .
12 When she died , a couple of years later , he was so heartbroken that he made sure he would share her final resting place at the Downs Crematorium in Bear Road when he , too , was laid to rest .
13 Many Titfords from a number of family branches found their last resting place at Abney Park .
14 It had originally occupied a position at Sidi Bel Abbe s , but when the Legion left Algeria it had been dismantled stone by stone and brought to its present resting place at Aubagne .
15 I tiptoed on to the plane , hardly breathed while I was on it , and was conveyed with utmost speed to my usual resting place at the Pierre Hotel .
16 In 1822 , eight years after Thomas Lord [ q.v. ] had moved his famous turf to its last resting place at St John 's Wood , Aislabie became the first secretary of the MCC , the first sign of any real formality of organization .
17 He and Broughton carried the dead body of Hilary Frome from its resting place at the top of the stairs , and laid it on the bed in the sick bay .
18 Amongst the challenges faced by P&O Distribution was the task of moving two giant bronze hands , weighing in at around five tonnes and valued at £50,000 safely through the heart of London to their resting place at one of the entrances to Chelsea Harbour .
19 The last flight will be made from RAF Waddington to its new resting place at Bruntingthorpe next Tuesday , where the aircraft will be grounded but maintained in operational condition .
20 Today , Kevin is studying for a thesis-based part-time MA with Warwick University , since the British Academy , which funds some post-graduates , could not afford to cover his DPhil place at Oxford .
21 And then we went round , you know where that they had a training place at Washington ?
22 MIDDLESBROUGH goalkeeper Stephen Pears faces the heartbreak of missing a match with a Premier League place at stake .
23 Like Tom Boyd , who took advantage of a Youth Training Scheme place at Motherwell to launch a successful career , McQuilken is a YTS lad .
24 On the morning of 21 June 1746 , Flora Macdonald left Prince Charles Edward Stewart 's hiding place at Corrodale on South Uist ; a cave , close to the cliffs , behind the mountain called Beinn Mhor .
25 Sharpe counted eighteen infantry battalions and four squadrons of cavalry , one of which , composed of Dragoons , rode very close to his hiding place at the wood 's edge , but none of the French troopers glanced left to see where the Englishman and his dog lay in the shadows .
26 One thing is certain , that the last Lord Derwentwater , not long before his death , was frequently at Keswick , but according to Green it is not equally certain , that he then ( as is affirmed by some ) inhabited the house upon the island ; on the contrary , it rather seems that his being at Keswick , was only on visits from his family place at Dilston .
27 ‘ It would be a serious mistake for them to believe that they could put the whole Taurus market place at jeopardy by cutting back on their Taurus budget . ’
28 There we would gaze at the massive steam engines , all ready connected to their huge waggons , to make a quick getaway to The Market Place at dawn on the following day .
29 Egged on to perform ‘ acts of hooliganism ’ by these horribly smug Dutch people , I sang ‘ Marching on Together ’ in the deserted Market Place at approx 3am .
30 BROTHERLY loves goes out of the window at Portman Road tomorrow for 90 minutes when Linighan meets Linighan with an FA Cup semi-final place at stake ( writes Dave Allard ) .
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