Example sentences of "[noun] too many " in BNC.

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1 Last year we got caught on the break too many times … this year we have the pace/organisation to deal with that … and Lukic is nt bad at 1 on 1 's …
2 She had heard those words too many times before to be impressed by them .
3 But Stuttgart had those four non-nationals on the pitch in the last seven minutes , one outsider too many .
4 Four months later , on 2 February 1979 , Sid Vicious finally shot one red light too many , dying from a drugs overdose , naked — so the popular press reported — and in the arms of his latest girlfriend .
5 Just a few more vegetables or a bouillon cube , ’ he turned to Penelope , smiling , ‘ and sometimes a great deal too many potatoes . ’
6 Think Ed took out one club too many there did n't he ?
7 She knew what was to come ; she had seen that look in her friend 's eyes too many times these past few months .
8 UNITED STATES Too many pennies spent on shuttle
9 ROLLERSKATE SKINNY sound like hyperactive urchins who 've had one bottle of Strongbow too many and been let loose in the local guitar shop .
10 It 's a pity too many people stop making an effort after they 've got married .
11 Those who saw her last television programme , A Winter Too Many , will remember the extremely poignant sequence — and the tears — when she said farewell to her ‘ family ’ , the beloved beasts , as they wended their way down the road from Low Birk Hatt to new ownership , led by the senior cow — ‘ Rosa , my lovely Rosa ’ — who had given Hannah the only available warm drink , her milk , and acted as a radiator when the power failed at Low Birk Hatt during the last savage winter .
12 Nor have I been able to watch A Winter Too Many .
13 ‘ A Winter Too Many ’ was the elegiac end of a besieged life … the enthralling thing about Hannah , when Barry Cockcroft made that first documentary , ‘ Too Long A Winter ’ , was not the things she managed without : warmth , water , company , money .
14 Vietnam 's withdrawal is the best opportunity he will have to lead his country once more , but he may botch it by taking one political twist too many .
15 In calculating the number of 17p stamps which could be bought for El , a few pupils used knowledge gained from playing darts : treble 17 was known to be 51 and 51p doubled was 102 , making one 17p too many .
16 His once trim body has fallen victim to one fundraising lunch too many but he still looks very much the explorer with his classic square jaw and steely blue eyes .
17 ‘ But I did n't leave it there , because Dysart had had one lucky escape too many for my liking .
18 But after one fall too many , he went to the doctor and found out the truth .
19 ‘ One failure too many , perhaps ? ’
20 Happily these two cheated one town too many , and in our last glimpse of them they are tarred and feathered !
22 One body too many .
23 Finally they took on one opponent too many , receiving a resounding defeat at the hands of the Mamluks at Ain Jallud in 1260 .
24 His father suspected that he had a glass of wine too many at dinner .
25 But with 6ft 4ins Stich firing on all cylinders , and Chang looking jaded it was one Goliath too many for the brave American .
26 Jack had obviously had one pint too many of Sussex Devil because his swing was not quite as smooth and slow as usual .
27 On top of EastEnders , Coronation Street and Neighbours , it was just one soap too many .
28 One day you might take out a screw too many and the world will fall apart . ’
29 VENTRILOQUIST Mike Dennett had a drink too many after he got fed up with listening to his wife Gladys .
30 At one time the abbot 's vineyards stretched all the way to the River Severn , from beneath the castle walls where 98 corpses hung after the siege of Shrewsbury described in One Corpse Too Many .
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