Example sentences of "[noun] still do " in BNC.

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1 Meeks has suggested that in that year the United States still did not possess truly great stations to match the European models .
2 He finds that although the globular bodies of the histone molecules no longer contact the DNA of heavily transcribed genes , their charged tails still do , leading him to suggest that they remain tethered by their tails while the polymerase passes so that they can rapidly ‘ snap back ’ into their former structure .
3 Most motorists know that it is possible to feel absolutely certain what the matter is with the engine and to put that right only to find that the car still does not start .
4 Although the Andaman Islanders still do not know how to start fire from scratch , wholesale clearing of other parts of the tropics has long been practised .
5 If you try to do something about jobs , and the infrastructure is lousy , the regeneration still does not work .
6 However , these positive steps still did not add up to a radical new direction for farming on the scale that is needed .
7 Although condom manufacturers still do n't make condoms specifically for anal sex , it 's safest it you choose a thicker or stronger condom with the British Standard ‘ Kitemark ’ .
8 The captain and Mr Trelawney still did not like each other , and the squire did n't try to hide it .
9 I understand that the Greater Manchester force still does not have the necessary computer capacity to take full advantage of the police national computer mark 2 .
10 Three years after the Act was passed , the hon. Lady still does not seem to understand that local management of schools funds the pupils and not the teachers .
11 The situation has been altered since , and although Orkney still does not have its own procurator Fiscal , it now shares one with Shetland .
12 A day 's work still to do before the Sabbath and they would have sore heads in the morning .
13 Though there is a lot of restructuring work still to do , last year 's £11.8m of exceptional costs will not be repeated .
14 There 's a lot of work still to do in the barn .
15 ‘ There is a lot of work still to do in this match and we must concentrate on getting the right total in our second innings .
16 Father Barnes still did n't look at him .
17 My parents still do n't know what course I am pursuing at a college of education .
18 Many parents still do n't realise the hidden dangers in household goods .
19 Gedanken still did not look at all happy .
20 If the error still does n't clear , return it to Oceanic .
21 They did n't chat each other up , because Boy still did n't know what to say half the time , and O did n't want to say anything , not any more , he had said too much to too many men .
22 The boy still did not move .
23 But then , as the silence lengthened and fitzAlan still did n't move , curiosity got the better of her .
24 What on earth , come to that , was the old fool still doing in general practice ?
25 Well funnily enough I went down there last week , and I must admit I I came round the corner and there was one particular vehicle still does it .
26 Nell still did not know the details , doubted now if anyone would .
27 Tey still do n't speak .
28 Well Stewart still did it .
29 And your mouse driver still does n't work !
30 The buyer still did not pay .
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