Example sentences of "[noun] just at " in BNC.

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1 However , even in these cases , it is found that there exist at least distribution valued singularities just at these points .
2 She began to climb the staircase , but I stopped her , saying : ‘ Miss Kenton , please do n't think me unduly improper in not ascending to see my father in his deceased condition just at this moment .
3 I imagine you 'd prefer not to put your head back — er — in the lion 's den just at the moment ! ’
4 He reappeared with his shotgun just at the moment Judas was handing over his master .
5 ‘ He 's got one or two things on his mind just at the moment . ’
6 Even this solution has problems because although the zig-zag is an even number of stitches , depending on which part of the zig-zag is immediately below the ‘ V ’ it can give an irregular effect just at that point .
7 She always slings my card just at the wrong time .
8 Well , he 's not , but he 's not causing any difficulty just at the moment .
9 ‘ Miss Kyte , there is no contestant just at present , ’ said the lawyer firmly .
10 We were a large family of seven and my father worked on the railway and he only had two pounds a week , but we could make three pounds and ten shillings just at the weekend by working the clubs .
11 He himself had founded this in honour of St Thomas of Canterbury , at whose tomb Henry II was doing penance just at the time of William 's capture at Alnwick .
12 Take these tablets just at bedtime .
13 Perhaps he has forgotten that his lord ought to be murdering his lady just at this juncture ; or perhaps he thinks Emilia is as corrupt as himself ; or perhaps he does not understand love , The error is great , since Emilia is the only person who knows the truth about the handkerchief .
14 Eleanor was nearly twice the age he felt he deserved , and it had been his ambition for a long time to have a girl just at the point when it became legal .
15 I reached the Buck Inn just at opening time and stood by the fire steaming so much that two Swedish students got lost in the fog going to the gents .
16 There was a strong case for saving Thoresby for the nation , but unfortunately its future came into question just at the moment when all thoughts were focused on Brodsworth , near Doncaster , another Victorian house with an even more complete set of contents .
17 Most radical opinion was outraged by the fact that Britain should be reversing its traditional hostility to Russia just at the moment when defeat by the Japanese in 1904–5 , and the revolutionary upheavals which followed , had rocked the foundations of Tsarist tyranny .
18 I met and married my husband just at the point when I was beginning to apply for senior registrar posts .
19 Something like £800m is currently owed to the contractors and Eurotunnel is very sorry and all that but it does n't seem to have the cash just at this moment .
20 Firstly I do n't think there 's a substantial disagreement between Yeltsin and the so called hard liners , except over the question of timing so as to win the market and someone 's introduced them to the Soviet Union , and secondly I do n't think you can treat Boris Yeltsin as some kind of democrat at all , on August the twelfth he threatened to rule Russia by decree just at the definitely senators and the Russian nationalism and he built some sort of support and I , I think it 's very wrong to characterise the events there with the revolution , more it 's been , it 's been much more of a power struggle between different sections of the you know , the elite there along the lines of the events in Romania .
21 She 'd progressed from a rather lowly start to her present place on the team with IMP just at the time when the true importance of the fuel companies and their technicians was beginning to be appreciated by the general public , or at least those aficionados who followed the world of Grand Prix racing .
22 I need this conversation like a hole in the head just at the moment !
23 It is not always possible to deliver a module just at the time a trainee needs it for the purposes of SVQ assessment .
24 As it happens , he would n't be arriving at the best possible moment : William Charles , 14 years his brother 's senior , was finding his own fame and fortune rather on the wane just at that time — he did n't need those supercilious letters from William Jowett in Jamaica to remind him of that .
25 I 'll get you 'll have to go just go right to the back just at the back otherwise you 're gon na be flipping through millions of pages .
26 ‘ Captain Owen is deep in the toils of the accountants just at the moment . ’
27 There was a brutal , red thumb mark just at the point where her shoulders met her neck .
28 It 's not her fault , ’ said Jeremy Vole , but no one heard him because Ferd Frog and his wife , Polly , hopped from the water just at that moment and joined the ruckus .
29 For [ fa ] some of them felt a strong shock just at my thinking of tackling the subject of the sense of humour of the Prophet Muhammad and the holy imams of Islam and advised me to confine my research to modern times .
30 She could think of hundreds , no , thousands of replies just at this moment and each one had innumerable abusive words peppered throughout .
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