Example sentences of "[noun] has more " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Bloody Sunday grant has more to do with vote catching in the Bogside and Creggan in May , ’ claimed Mr Adams .
2 Some say that the Avize Chardonnay has more finesse , but I find that while Avize may have more clarity of flavour , Cramant and , for that matter , le Mesnil-sur-Oger have finer qualities of bouquet .
3 A quick glance at the specifications that Detroit 's idea of a '90s performance saloon has more in common with current European thinking than the muscle-bound 7-litre American V8 's of the '60s and '70s .
4 ‘ Bradford Northern 's Deryck Fox is another scrum-half I admire , but Goulding has more sting in his play .
5 Mr Rocard has more reason than most to feel sad .
6 It is claimed that a fifth of road fatalities say 1,150 deaths a year can be attributed to ’ drunk ’ driving : a driver has more than the permitted level of alcohol in his blood .
7 Hence , the high-performing division has more power and autonomy than the less-performing division because ( at this stage ) it is contributing more to the firm 's goals .
8 Andy Macdonald has more going for him than merely the fact that he stands 6ft 8in .
9 Mr Berisha has more trouble with the party 's increasingly vocal nationalist faction .
10 Perhaps power lies with the supplier now , but overpowering or ‘ negotiating too sweet a deal ’ might provoke retribution later when the buyer has more suppliers from which to choose .
11 Lorraine Davidson has more details .
12 RUSSIAN has more words in it than any other language , ’ the teacher told me confidently .
13 Nucella has more species and a longer fossil history in the Pacific than in the Atlantic .
14 That last sentence has more to do with Kinnock than with Major .
15 Research at Tambopata over the last ten years has shown that the Reserve has more species of birds ( over 570 ) , butterflies ( 1,200 ) and many other animal groups than any other location of its size on earth . ’
16 Perhaps FYT 's ministry has more significance than we realise to merit such concerted antagonism !
17 Such a framework has more than a passing similarity with the career structure observed by Howard Parker in his study of young delinquents in Liverpool .
18 Christianity may be represented by a tombstone and a gold ring with an incised palm branch and the legend AMA ME , although this religion has more significance in post-Roman Carlisle .
19 The horse has more chromosomes , 64 ( 32 pairs ) , but only 26 are metacentric .
20 ‘ The employee development side has more focus and emphasis now . ’
21 Brussels has more galleries , but not so many interesting ones as Antwerp , ’ says Wendolien van Oldenborgh , a local artist .
22 With a check , the pianist has more control over the action of the piano and is offered a greater dynamic range .
23 It is worth remembering that a sparrow has more vertebrae in its neck than a giraffe .
24 But it seems more likely that this fear has more to do with the childhood horror of seeing the parent scream at the ‘ smothering ’ cat that has just jumped up on to a cot or bed .
25 The east coast has more bays , coves , villages and anchorages to visit than there are days in your holiday , and the west coast has dramatic cliffs , sea caves and a spectacular rock arch to explore .
26 ‘ Yet , ’ Moreau was saying , ‘ I suppose you could say a soldier has more need of a religious faith than most .
27 ‘ Remember , Scott has more men than us , and he has motor sledges , too .
28 One particular weather condition has more effect on bream fishing than any other ; wind .
29 Ryedale has more a higher proportion of National Park , A O M B , local landscape designation and greenbelt than Hambleton but is unconstrained .
30 Now Standlake has more or less , through the Council , been designated as a leisure area .
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