Example sentences of "[noun] would by " in BNC.

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1 As the plane circled Dalcross Airport , I glanced eastwards towards Nairn Golf Club and a slight twinge of envy was cast towards the Clubhouse there in which the 8.30 am team would by then be well into their second gin and tonic .
2 Llanelli 's second try , a disarmingly easy one by Steve Bowling on the blind side of a scrum-five , was of more modest proportions and if Jeff Bird had kicked more than one of the six chances he had the conclusion would by half-time have been foregone .
3 According to the conventional wisdom , fusion required great heat and hence could only have happened when the Earth was being formed ; however , if the Earth is five billion years old , all the helium would by now have risen away , yet it was there in amounts suggesting that it had appeared in the atmosphere only recently .
4 The truth is that without the assistance and support of local education authorities in helping schools manage the many drastic , rushed and ill conceived changes forced upon them by the Tory Government during the past 13 years , the education service would by now be in total disarray .
5 Colleagues , G M B Scotland subscribe to review that the benefits from the future amalgamation between the two great general unions within the United Kingdom would by far any possible deficits .
6 Hackney LBC tried another line of attack which was repulsed when the Divisional Court held that there was no requirement for the Secretary of State , issuing guidance to a local authority as to the level of its expenditure , to have regard to whether or not the authority would by restricting its expenditure in such a way render itself unable reasonably to discharge any of its statutory duties .
7 At Wembley , a 3–1 victory would by no means have been a flattering outcome for Ireland .
8 Government officials expressed confidence in January 1990 that Bolivia would by June have cancelled all its commercial bank debts , after receiving promises of a total of $30,500,000 in donations which would enable it to buy back the remaining $270,000,000 .
9 The giver of the present would by no means have approved of the shaking it was getting .
10 Poor little Sophie would by now be suffering pangs of guilt for her behaviour towards me .
11 The wording referring to the specific location in the location description would by definition have to be drawn up the region , cos they would have intimate knowledge of the locality that er sorry and the costs would be drawn up by the region because they would know as I say intimately they would know that specific development
12 HAD SHE been born 10 years ago , baby Jessica Kelly would by now have spent most of her life in hospital .
13 Fraser assumed , indeed , that the government would by degrees allocate frequencies such that more than one ITV station would be able to broadcast in a given area .
14 A rise in numbers would by itself help to explain why the upper classes were looking for new and wider choice of occupation ; it does not go far towards explaining the popularity of Cîteaux .
15 She guessed it was pretty obvious that she had nothing to come back with when , his expression grimmer than ever , ‘ We 'll finish this conversation inside , ’ he clipped , and although Fabia would by far have preferred that he simply hand over her car keys and let her go on her way , she realised that there were some responsibilities in life which you just could n't duck .
16 The forecasts that every British family would by now have access to a car ( the thinking behind the design of Milton Keynes and other new towns ) were plainly wrong .
17 It might therefore be imagined that a parade of relevant facts would by itself solve any argument .
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