Example sentences of "[noun] were just " in BNC.

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1 As in france , communism , pacifism or religion were just as likely to mark the outlook of those who had experienced the camaraderie , fear and gore of trench warfare .
2 Behind the wall , beeches and chestnuts were just faintly jubilant in their near escapes from the weights of summer .
3 For English fans , though , there was pleasure that their team had begun to show heart and direction and purpose , all of which had been missing since the Ashes tour of 1986–7 ; while West Indian fans were just happy that their heroes had shown that , after all , W.B. Yeats had got it wrong and the centre could hold .
4 When hollywood talent spotters decided that the penguins were just right for the job , the birds were flown out to Hollywood — no expense spared .
5 In a rather odd way , 19th-century public schools were just as ideally suited for the fathers of gentlemen as they were for the sons of gentlemen .
6 The double answer — schools are different from but they are also the same as other organizations — was confirmed when Handy and Aitken ( 1986:34 ) asked whether , in their essentials , schools were just like other organizations .
7 Barbara La Marr , Alma Rubens and Juanita Hansen were just some of the stars whose drug addiction ended either their lives or their careers , whichever came first .
8 Defendant Derek Anderson told police the cocks were just fighting amongst themselves , the men were only trying to stop them .
9 Me and Scott were just playing and I went
10 Doctors told the 28-year-old that the five slashes were just millimetres away from cutting his jugular vein .
11 Bourdieu wonders how structural anthropologists could be seduced into positing the existence of the rule when informants were just using it as a strategy .
12 Although cheaper cars were just beginning to appear , owning a motor car was still the prerogative of the rich .
13 Relationships were just too difficult , the sexes would never see eye to eye , it was all too much bother .
14 Ditches old and new kept the new arrivals from too close an approach to the massive town walls , but , to be sure , this also applied in reverse ; the enemy were just out of range of Berwick 's cannon .
15 Angelica 's eyes were just visible staring at the wall , unblinking .
16 It was hard to tell because his face was masked with ribbons of caked blood , and his eyes were just slits in a puffy mess of red and black bruises .
17 Even after she had switched off the small lamp beside the bed , so that the room was completely dark , it was hard to be sure if she was really seeing something , or if her eyes were just playing tricks .
18 Her eyes were just drooping into sleep when she snapped back into consciousness .
19 His eyes were just too probing , too all-seeing .
20 And it 's a lot , yesterday I was in a real state notice my eyes were just totally , gummed up , yuk !
21 On May 31 President Ramiz Alia appealed in the People 's Assembly for patience : the strikers ' demands were just but they could not be met immediately , he said .
22 An eighteenth century travelling commode from the Duke and Duchess of Wellington , a pair of Georgian chairs from the people of Bermuda and wrought-iron gates from the neighbouring village of Tetbury were just a sample of the cornucopia of presents which had descended on the royal couple .
23 He stepped back onto the concrete and came round to the front of the building where the flowering cherries were just coming into bud on the lawn .
24 If listeners were just keen to get into the ‘ real meat ’ of the Brahms second piano concerto , then genuine Brahms lovers must have been disappointed .
25 While moderate drinkers were just as likely to become infected with the germs , fewer became ill with the symptoms .
26 Her prayer beads were constantly moving and a steady stream of soft petitions to Allah were just audible .
27 It would not matter so much if a Turkish president were just a figurehead .
28 Christopher and Matthew Key were just four months old when the accident happened .
29 The man who wrote the leaflet clearly thought vipers were just great .
30 The man who wrote the leaflet clearly thought vipers were just great .
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