Example sentences of "[noun] as the " in BNC.

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1 These start off usually with a thin , gentle slithering sound of sliding boulders on the scree slope , which abruptly gives way to a much louder , roaring collapse as the main mass of rock falls away and hurtles downhill , and then afterwards minor falls continue intermittently for long periods .
2 Bower 's team at the University of California , Santa Barbara , proposes such collapse as the means by which buckminsterfullerene is synthesized .
3 As a result he held that ‘ the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness ’ .
4 The abolition of religion as the ‘ illusory ’ happiness of men is a demand for their ‘ real happiness ’ , ’ ' he read aloud to Ellen .
5 Of course , there is a small increase in speed as the climb gets steeper , both because the glider is starting to ascend the arc of a circle and also because of the effects of the wind gradient .
6 This gave Conner the chance , when the breeze was light , to build up a sufficient cushion to protect him from Kanza 's better moderate air speed as the sea breeze grew .
7 Behind this board ( called a pathfinder ) is the start boat which motors along at the same speed as the board .
8 Society has changed since the days of the cart and horse , or since men with red flags walked in front of cars at the same speed as the Orange Walk .
9 After a few months of doing this several times each day and night , most of us could plot at the same speed as the information came in on the teleprinter .
10 A kite on a line generates lift from the wind streaming past it ; but if released it soon reaches the same speed as the surrounding air and loses it all .
11 His argument is that the density wave is of a different kind , the so called long wave mode , which propagates from the centre of the Galaxy outward , such a wave pattern rotates much more rapidly than the short wave mode and it just happens that , if this picture is correct , our Solar System is almost exactly at the place in our Galaxy where it orbits at the same speed as the wave ( Astrophysics and Space Science , vol 89 , p 61 ) .
12 The system also manages to incorporate a handrail running at the same speed as the walkway — an advance compared with most single speed systems .
13 It is a relief to hear him taking the Trio at the same speed as the Scherzo , and not inexplicably slowing down like so many others .
14 The arms should move at the same speed as the legs .
15 It is functionally compatible with 24-pin generic array logic devices and functions at the same speed as the 16V8 above .
16 As a result the DES ( 1983 ) forecasts assumed that mature entry rates would fall at the same speed as the fall in 21–25 years olds — who constitute the majority of entrants to HE aged over 20 .
17 Local bus is a technology whereby certain peripheral cards , such as video or IDE host cards , can have their own private bus which runs at the same speed as the processor , thus enhancing overall system throughput .
18 Local bus or VL buses are designed to overcome this problem by running at the same speed as the processor .
19 Externally the damper appears as a cylindrical inertial load which can be clamped to the motor shaft so the damper housing rotates at the same speed as the motor .
20 In the basic device an opaque disc is fastened to the shaft and therefore rotates at the same speed as the motor .
21 Then cast a little further out , over the line of the crease , and watch for the difference in speed as the float travels downstream .
22 Another example is a fish swimming up-stream at the same speed as the stream ( see figure 6.2 ) .
23 The water from the upper source is emitted at the same speed as the main flow ; there is thus no shear and no turbulence generation .
24 But the memory of Bregawn should not be of a recalcitrant mule goaded into action as the rest of the field leaves him way behind , but of a good Cheltenham Gold Cup winner storming up the hill to head the procession of Dickinson horses which was the most remarkable training feat of modern times .
25 Perhaps the razor was in action as the dignitaries were raising the many-coloured flag of Cuzco and the Cuzco song was being thumped out :
26 So the opposition have not quite as long for their inquests and recuperative action as the bleak dawn of last Friday may have made them think .
27 The first shot ‘ establishes ’ the scene in the minds of the audience , and it is followed by shots which are taken progressively closer to the action as the scene unfolds on the screen .
28 PACEMAN Merv Hughes was involved in a bouncer war in Hobart yesterday , forcing West Indian bowler Ian Bishop out of action as the visitors were bowled out for 382 .
29 Hand or self-propelled , these cut the grass with a scything action as the blades revolve .
30 Secretary of the Society , for such action as the Committee may decide .
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