Example sentences of "[noun] she is " in BNC.

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1 JC : Of course , in Crabbe 's The Borough she is blind .
2 ‘ Behind the gentle smiles and the cheery waves she is an utterly determined woman who does not give up her grip on her family easily , ’ says royal-watcher Margaret Holder .
3 To be sure , the USSR will not initiate a war it knows it will lose , but as the political stakes mount , so will the risks she is prepared to take .
4 For all the days before her visit to the mikva she is nidda , or set apart , and she and her husband must not even touch .
5 It is not difficult to see whose side she is on !
6 With these LM potencies she is feeling stronger than ever without aggravation and is currently taking 0/7 .
7 In future she is going to be harder .
8 She has such a thirst after knowledge that the more she knows , I verily think the humbler she is , and I can not help letting go as fast as she pulls as my son used to do to his kite .
9 If she is not data she is an intervening variable to be eliminated .
10 The more I see of her , the more I realise how much of a stranger she is to me .
11 As a result she is not allowed by her mother to supplement the family income by helping her in the fields , since to be seen doing it would mean she had become an illiterate villager again .
12 As a result she is cast out by society and some members of her family .
13 ‘ She lays it at our door , I am sure , and yet it is not our fault she is in difficulties . ’
14 And how does she live with the guilt and isolation she is feeling ?
15 She has been appointed to the Audit Commission as a manager in their Special Projects Unit , providing management consultancy to local authorities and the N.H. S. She is based in the Midlands .
16 Whatever words she is singing must be important .
17 ‘ If at least one young person decides to give up putting a foot into a stolen car ever again , then her son 's death will not have been in vain ; and another mother will not have to experience the heartbreak she is experiencing .
18 ‘ Whatever happens in the Arc she is just a star and she is the one they 've all got to beat , ’ declares George .
19 She will recognize your being , and it may seem as if the light she is shining is a cold one at times .
20 For example , the stressed housewife may take rights 3 and 7 and decide that : ‘ I have the right to suggest to my elderly mother-in-law that she enquire about the possibility of a home-help , as the demands she is making on me are wearing me out ’ .
21 Then Susan comes in , and when she has put down the tray she is carrying , she turns the light on beside his chair and draws the curtains so that the room becomes a series of pools of light , isolating each of us .
22 I know your mother scoffs at social life but I do n't think she realizes what pleasure she is missing , how delightful it can be to be among amusing people . ’
23 In these latter roles She is almost always accompanied by Her divine spouse , the male God , emphasizing the fact that only in a happy marriage can the terrible and destructive aspect of the Goddess be controlled .
24 In these traditional roles she is shown to be effective .
25 In the latter case , the nurse is free to choose which post-operative condition she is to work on .
26 Sharon tells Carol she is making a spectacle of herself — and Carol turns on her friend in the following speech .
27 A manager has been nominated to keep Renshaw informed on personnel issues and developments about the line of work she is involved in .
28 She is uninterested in fame ; she may attract it , however , and although she finds it annoying , she can turn it to good account for the work she is doing .
29 Although fourteen answers to the fragmentation question concern housework , the housewife rarely thinks about the work she is actually doing .
30 In some ways Alison seems very cool about her condition and has remained detached from the experiences she is describing .
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