Example sentences of "[noun] not say " in BNC.

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1 There is a heaviness of words not said
2 I would agree with that , but I would just like to pick up three two of there have been one or two instances felt that they have necessarily make aware perhaps that something 's coming up in er difficult , but I just wanted to mention that er I do n't know what the procedures are actually , but I mean it d did n't seem to be one or two cases not saying it necessarily the department 's fault , I 'm er just making the point .
3 Cissie hated going to bed , and she hated getting up in the morning , but she thoroughly enjoyed lazing in the bath , and finding every excuse not to say goodnight .
4 He has learned from New Zealand and Costa Rica not to say too much too soon .
5 and managed in ten minutes not to say
6 We can obviously take care with any articles for extra-group distribution not to say anything which may embarass us .
7 Why do tyre retailers not say they are ( on the whole ) owned by tyre manufacturers , and why then do they sell competitors ' products ?
8 [ … ] Socialization within the family is manifested in subtle cues of things said and things not said , of facial expressions and gestures which arise in the course of day-to-day living within the same dwelling .
9 Chairman , if , if I may and it is just basically to look at the recommendation and wonder you know perhaps if we 've got it the right way round er that 's all , where we 're saying er there are certain things still outstanding wh which we would need to re-relate before er issuing er general conformity notices I understand b but we 're almost taking that they 're going to do that without any doubt , now I do n't know maybe there are things not said in this report which are well understood , but and members of are quite happy to accept erm er s some more more changes to , to the local plan so that it does conform with with the structure plan , but I just wondered whether round the wrong way .
10 He said : ‘ It is my policy not to say anything to the press . ’
11 Pregnant replies , mystic allusions , mistaken identities , arguing his father is his mother , that sort of thing ; intimations of suicide , foregoing of exercise , loss of mirth , hints of claustrophobia not to say delusions of imprisonment ; invocations of camels , chameleons , capons , whales , weasels , hawks , handsaws — riddles , quibbles and evasions ; amnesia , paranoia , myopia ; day-dreaming , hallucinations ; stabbing his elders , abusing his parents , insulting his lover , and appearing hatless in public — knock-kneed , droop-stockinged and sighing like a love-sick schoolboy , which at his age is coming on a bit strong .
12 Whenever anyone , Y , is in a position to say , ‘ X is φ ’ on account of what he sees , drawing no inferences , and not lying , then it is true to say that X appears to him to be φ , even if it goes against our linguistic practice of saying , ‘ X appears to Y to be φ ’ only if we have a reason not to say , ‘ X is φ ’ .
13 Later she came to depend more upon excision , upon the evocation of what she called ‘ the thing not said ’ ; castigating Balzac for delivering an excess of information , she praised the hint , the pared-down suggestion .
14 In her wisdom she seemed to be aware of the delicacy of the situation and she was taking great care not to say anything to embarrass her companion .
15 Chat and be friendly but take care not to say anything to anybody that you might regret .
16 And then you get you work your way along and you get to the situation where erm the woman is pressured by feelings of embarrassment or social pressure not to say no .
17 Can the Minister not say " will " rather than " may " ?
18 He was smiling widely at her now , saying , ‘ I had to tell nurse not to say they were n't coming in to see the doctor they expected .
19 This aspect of the strategy is just as purposeful and beneficial in the management of conflict as the agreement not to say hurtful and aggressive things .
20 ‘ I 'll tell young John not to say anything . ’
21 Worse , David Pascal , chairman of the NCC , turns out to be a devotee of that well-known rightie novelist Tom Clancy , who presumably never splits his infinitives since this , along with a desire to train schoolchildren not to say ‘ He done it ’ appears to be the main components of Mr Pascal 's plans for a more grammatical tomorrow .
22 There are some strange flights of fancy and there are also some extremely down to earth not to say earthy observations .
23 Sometimes this is because the perpetrator himself has repeatedly warned his victim not to say anything , or he or she will either get into trouble or be disbelieved .
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