Example sentences of "[noun] and made " in BNC.

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1 He concentrated on staying on the front foot , took few risks and made 35 from 45 deliveries with seven fours , then played Morrison on .
2 She dropped her passenger in the centre of Anduze and made her way back to Roziac .
3 I 'd only really think about taking action if someone completely ripped off one of our songs and made heaps of money from it
4 If she did n't know better she 'd have said he 'd sabotaged her jeep and made it rain this way , just so he could enjoy some amusement at her expense !
5 The hot car seats stung the children 's bare legs and made them cry out in protest .
6 He stumbled into the blackness and made his way to the wreckage , where Miller was meant to have found out the location of the Home Guard HQ .
7 When Aggie swung round with a lightness that always denied her heavy bulk and made hastily for the door , Millie flew after her and , jumping in front of her , threw her arms around her waist as far as they would go , crying , ‘ I 'm sorry .
8 She went into the bedroom and made the bed with unnecessary violence .
9 With a last dissatisfied glance in the mirror , she left the bedroom and made her way downstairs , vaguely wondering why she did n't feel light of heart .
10 He joined us from a Derbyshire side near his native Tibshelf and made his Southern League debut at Bristol Rovers oh 7 December — and what a debut it turned out to be !
11 I gave them their full due , repeating all that my sister-in-law had said , and told them that I would hear from my brother himself that evening , then paid for my groceries and made my escape .
12 Software is held by these organizations and made available to potential users to evaluate .
13 Mosbacher , 64 , like Bush a native easterner who moved to Texas and made a personal fortune in oil and gas , had served as Bush 's national finance chairman in 1988 and was once again expected to concentrate on financing the campaign .
14 Something scratchy nudged against her calves and made her jump .
15 Still clutching her champagne glass , she hurried from the terrace and made her way along a path through the garden towards the sea .
16 With Osbern of Eu and a group of his own leaders and their following , Thorfinn had visited the Lothians and made his views known to the offending bands with frightening precision .
17 In these heady days , Gould 's greed surpassed even his own bounds and made him capable of an ungentlemanly lack of sportsmanship .
18 It ran down between my eyes and made me see everything blood-red , even though seconds before my mind had conjured up a pleasing vision : the English boy 's sister .
19 Corbett closed his eyes and made his own prayer , sending it up into the void .
20 Dr Walter Kilner developed some screens filled with a dicyanin solution which sensitized the eyes and made it easier for more people to see the aura .
21 She crossed her eyes and made a face .
22 Jane closed her eyes and made her mind a blank ; Lucinda sighed tremulously , and from her seat in the window Vi coughed nervously , yet the glass remained stubbornly still .
23 Talbot thanked him , rose , washed the sleep from his face and eyes and made his way to the admiral 's quarters .
24 When she took off her glasses the sun caught her eyes and made them flash like green torches .
25 The terrace tiles were already warm under her bare feet ; the sunlight , when she looked towards it , stung her eyes and made them water .
26 Then he bathed her eyes and made her a cup of tea .
27 For a moment Ben seemed about to say something , then he dropped his eyes and made a small movement of his head .
28 The gardener narrowed long , grey-blue eyes and made never a move .
29 Robyn closed her eyes and made a tremendous effort .
30 She was very tired ; an uncharacteristic wave of sentimentality — of pity , almost , for all living things , brought tears to her eyes and made her want to clasp her arms round Caro .
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