Example sentences of "[noun] of on " in BNC.

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1 I think that the I think the question of that really , I 'm trying to , I ca n't quite frankly , I think that 's Mike Kirkham in this who particularly investigated that one , but I think that basically what we were really saying was on what I was saying earlier on is that if you make it too difficult for the employers , you 're going to take away the incentive to run a final salary scheme , you know that you know I think basically final salary pension schemes are good for the employee , you know , I think that was what our fundamental thinking of on that was .
2 Now that the only thing to offset th that this year will be the continuing development losses of on Sunday .
3 Oh goodness yes , wh we if we dredged up , we 'd have a say a piece of on deck , we used to land them on deck until we got room , so we came up at Upper Dock .
4 Erm some additional sidings , mills over here , some additional sidings were put in , in the early part of this century , and they came off the this track erm just this side of on the left hand side of the level crossing , erm and went er up to a dead end er just along in the right hand side , er over now towards where factory is .
5 PS Any chance of a review of on old adventure games such as Bloodwych ?
6 This assumption allows Lucas to measure as the deviation of actual real output , from the value predicted from a regression of on a constant and time ( where time might take the value of 1 in the first year of the data period , 2 in the second and so on ) .
7 Using this as his measure of , Lucas can carry out a separate regression of on and for each of the countries for which he has data , once he has solved the problem of how to measure for each country .
8 To see this , imagine estimating the DM equation in equation ( 6.25 ) by OLS to obtain an estimate of , and using the sum of squared residuals from this equation to construct an estimate Of The estimate of α i could then be substituted into the output equation in ( 6.25 ) and , from the regression of on , a unique estimate of obtained by using the estimate of .
9 Nestling peacefully amongst the mine sweepers and patrol vessels in Albert Dock was the P&O Thames sailing barge , Will , dressed overall with flags and used for a variety of on board functions during her stay .
10 The vector component of on the 1-axis is obtained by projecting from parallel to the 2-axis , and similarly for the 2-component .
11 For a while it looked as if founding editor Ken Wilson would buy the title back , but he was unable to find an editor and a valiant last ditch attempt to keep the title going , by Grey Rimmer of On The Edge , was destined to fall by the wayside .
12 It also includes a graphics coprocessor running at 80 Mz and 1Mb of on board memory .
13 the promotion of the Rule of Three in Ten ; that is , that in any group of ten people a rule of thumb for all organisations in the formation of on committees , boards and the like — three should be aged over 60 ;
14 Nor would the suggestion of a derivational link to a noun hold good for an associative use of young rather common in advertisements : ( 14 ) the young place to go young clothes the young thing to do Another thing to emphasize is that what we are considering does not depend on a change of sense in the adjective ; in some cases , certainly , the shift from ascription to association or vice versa may be accompanied by or compatible with such a lexical change ; but this may happen equally in cases of classical structural ambiguity , such as : ( 15 ) Charles will give a talk on the village green where two different senses of on are called upon , as one shifts from the one structure to the other .
15 I 'm sort of on leave .
16 Sometimes I 'm working away up here in my studio — the name 's a bit too grand for the room , which is only 12 by 12 , but even so — and there 's music on the radio and I 'm sort of on automatic pilot .
17 Farm it was called , it was rather a big farm as well and these ponies were put into the green fields that sort of on the farm .
18 So that was sort of on this one .
19 And er yo you get the impression that it 's late in the day , the sky 's a bit stormy and maybe it 's time to be thinking about er getting home and er I get the impression that that person climbing over the stile is sort of on his way home after having a super day out walking in the the Yorkshire Dales or somewhere like that .
20 So my position is based on a sort of on going activity which I believe is rooted in what 's happening in the Black community at the moment .
21 You could also erm , start to recognize the benefit of the rural sector , and one reason why they were discriminating , L D Cs tended to want to ignore that and sort of shun it , because it 's not sort of a glamorous image they were trying to hope for in the urban sector , and , so , if they did help them , say give them units , like the repair men , units to work in , and they put them in really totally crappy accommodation , and up not where you need it , and not where people pass by with their motors and things , they , they 'd put them somewhere up on a hill , overlooking a city , so erm , to encourage the informal sector by erm , sort of on a par with the formal sector because erm , their inter- reacting , inter-relating now , like they 're providing cheap inputs for the formal industries and , and the formal industries are pro providing clientele all for the informal sector , and so it 's all inter-linked and , and it 's there now .
22 When I was working at British Airways we used to do a lot of technical training and erm it was sort of on er airline regulation , stuff like that and you could always tell the activists cos they did n't really want to all they wanted to do was to get on the computers and actually trying out things out themselves , they piece of furniture the activists do n't want to read the instructions , they want to start putting it together and then they 'd learn from actually putting it together rather than them reading the instructions and regulation training you could always tell the activist cos they sort of always like chopping every bit , they just want to they just want to get on the computers and start inputting numbers and they 'll actually learn , they , they prefer to do that and then somebody can come round and help them out when they get into trouble rather than some of the other which perhaps like to more up front and that 's the activist .
23 And we do sort of on each day , sort of Nuneaton ,
24 Erm generally speaking the consensus is it helps if it 's sort of on one side
25 Oh I see so sort of on on the funeral day they they would n't even be in the house .
26 Perhaps it 's sort of on there yeah .
27 than worrying about her you know sort of on , on the doorstep saying oh you 've got to look after me .
28 She lives sort of on a knife edge does n't she ?
29 You 've got to erm , I 've got to get well Dad 's got the form I can get another one he can , erm the forms have got to be in soon so she knows how many are going to be sort of on the walls you know .
30 right , and right in front of the fire and their two feet sort of on guard sitting , and his down like that .
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