Example sentences of "[noun] the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is that the sooner you can pursue your debts the greater will be your chances of recovery .
2 Within five minutes the older guy got up and left .
3 Ackroyd notices that the Eliot who had once called poetry a ‘ mug 's game ’ was eventually , in his play The Elder Statesman , to use the same expression for forgery .
4 In each case the lower circulation title went under .
5 In any case the richer you are the less likely you are to realize how cold-hearted the world can be when you are old and penniless — even one 's own relations . ’
6 It is probable that this is the section of the Act of 1925 to which Sir William meant to refer since in each case the later section is the mirror image of the earlier section .
7 But for the great bulk of Joseph 's subjects this was a meaningless luxury ; and in any case the later years of the reign , as opposition mounted , saw the government 's control of publication and the press partially reasserted .
8 In the first case the haulier and the other party undertake to carry out certain obligations ( typically the haulage of goods for an agreed price ) and the contract is made by exchange of these promises .
9 In contrast , use of a thesaurus would require only the broad term ( in this case , ‘ metal ’ ) to be stated , plus the relationship to be investigated ( in this case the narrower terms ) .
10 In each case the younger son received the greater blessing .
11 In others of these theories the large basins are produced by bodies which come from beyond the Earth-Moon system , in which case the smaller number of large basins on what is now the lunar far side has to be put down to chance , which is just plausible .
12 The storm that struck Marian , Allen and their captors as they crossed towards the dark Tower struck with equal ferocity the greater part of England .
13 For the most part the lower orders depended on selling their labour .
14 For the most part the later sonnets of celebration of the Friend impute no such extraordinary motives to the Poet .
15 ‘ It will not advantage the lower paid workers in a free collective bargaining situation if those who are the strongest get the most . ’
16 There is common agreement amongst librarians , even outside the school library sector , that the earlier a person acquires library and information skills the better .
17 By contrast the larger class-D animals , living on grasslands where rainfall varies , are less selective and so long as they do not crop the grass too close many animals can cover the same foraging area in a short time .
18 In contrast the younger members of the population appear to be offering more individual behavioural dimensions to explain improved health status .
19 In contrast the younger members of the sample were more likely to favour health education/promotion as the reason for improved health .
20 The object is to determine in which of sixteen horizontal strips the lower edge of the test card lies .
21 As with telescopes , the larger the aperture the greater the light-grasp , but there are hazards too .
22 The bigger the tide the better the action .
23 If there were a wish to record ‘ the levels ’ on a precise and continuous basis , differences between children will be considerable and the change the greater for youngsters who might , in a less overtly labelled system , be confident late developers .
24 The smaller the change the longer is the time for which the two solutions remain close , but they never do so indefinitely .
25 If the LBA does not produce payment the haulier should send the papers to the company 's solicitor .
26 Class background is an important factor in the level of schooling achieved , partly because the higher the level the greater the cost ( if only in terms of opportunity costs ) and partly because educational facilities are best in the well-to-do residential areas .
27 The more rapid the fall in base level the greater will be the migration of the shoreline , as there will be less time for marine erosion to act and push the shoreline back towards the land during the fall .
28 However , if sales are maintained at the present level the higher rate will generate an extra $18 million of gross earnings .
29 This suggests that the smaller the mass the greater the number of impacting bodies .
30 In the first 18 cases the lower third of the rectum was retained and an extensive anal mucosectomy was performed with a sutured pouch ( most being of the double limb J variety ) at the dentate line .
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