Example sentences of "[noun] to how " in BNC.

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1 Prior to that particular jamboree , it was schmooze city down at the World Trade Center ( sic ) for the first lot of talks/panels/seminars which seemed to cover everything from How To Get A Record Deal to How To Lose A Record Deal to How To Fry An Egg .
2 Prior to that particular jamboree , it was schmooze city down at the World Trade Center ( sic ) for the first lot of talks/panels/seminars which seemed to cover everything from How To Get A Record Deal to How To Lose A Record Deal to How To Fry An Egg .
3 It 's a testament to how captivating The Orb 's music is that I got off on this so much , completely alone and without recourse to anything stronger than the Institute 's lukewarm lager .
4 Working in the WTN news room for the past four years had opened my eyes to how the media worked .
5 I thought it was a good analogy to how Manson had affected the country , how he had really wedged himself into the American family to the extent that he 's now on the country 's most popular TV show .
6 Motivation is Cloughie 's main strength , the key to how he operates and even though his coaching strengths are almost non-existent — Archie Gemmill and Ronnie Fenton put his ideas across — his handling of players is superb .
7 Now he thinks he can work it in , which I 'm pleased about because if this is the way the Indians react to me and Matt then maybe that 's a pointer to how the fans will go .
8 The left , by contrast , saw the greater worker and state involvement in the economy as a pointer to how the crisis could be resolved in the interests of working people ( chapter 18 ) .
9 To hope for a return to how they must have looked before mine shafts and blast furnaces — one of the most strikingly attractive regions in Britain — is too much to expect .
10 It would add quite a new dimension to how I viewed this bloody awful hall .
11 But he made no reference to how this is contradicted by the ministerial rule book , which states :
12 Massive chunks of history are missing and it is really not possible to understand the Abstract Expressionists without reference to how they incorporated or reacted against those earlier tendencies .
13 This was partly a reference to how the game was played : its new emphasis on the professional foul , dossiers on opposition players , new fitness training methods and greater tactical awareness .
14 These chapters made extensive reference to how marketing intelligence ( or knowledge ) could be built up .
15 It is the output from the management information system to which we now wish to turn , with particular reference to how we use it to control and monitor manpower levels .
16 If you have any medical queries , from how to clip your dog 's nails to how to cope with hip dysplasia , you can be sure of sound advice
17 No , erm , well it 's , it 's not just , they did n't have , it was n't too much , there 's one ear piece which has come off , but I discovered at , my last , I sent myself last week at the assembly hall to how that could happen
18 A FRANK new TV sex education series aimed at teenagers is set to tackle everything from homosexuality to how to achieve a happy love life .
19 We are endeavouring to give maximum flexibility to how clauses 1 to 14 are considered .
20 It 's full of useful information , from essential details on health matters to how to get to the airport and phone home from abroad ; from where to park your care at the airport and how to get the best possible tan .
21 ( For RSFSR legislation see p. 38273 ; Moldava 's Supreme Soviet passed a privatization law on July 4 providing for non-transferable bonds to be distributed to citizens in proportion to how long they had worked .
22 A ratchet is a mechanism by which investors provide management with an incentive , in the form of equity enhanced in proportion to how well they perform .
23 But when we understand the adjective to be a predicate qualifier , so that the sentence is the counterpart to how did Reg run the engine ? , then it describes a different ( and , in engineering terms , presumably worse ) situation , in which he forces the engine to operate when it is already dry .
24 And even though he 's dead I think it still has a a relevance to how I treat my children .
25 I suppose doing it this way limits the no of participants to how many I can cope with .
26 A simple grab rail placed in the correct place can make a considerable difference to how you cope , especially with the bath or toilet .
27 They may also be able to tell you some of the preferences of those councillors , which can make a big difference to how you lobby them .
28 But these really hard scrappers have come on short lines when float fishing , and a short line makes a lot of difference to how a fish fights when the elasticity is negligible .
29 For harmony licks like these you 'll find that where you pick and where you pull off or hammer-on really makes a difference to how the harmony sounds .
30 Altitude , too , makes a big difference to how quickly you can burn .
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