Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 A down-stuffed duvet in a printed-cotton cover lay over them .
2 She says , ‘ I 'll bring your duvet in a minute , ’ and she slips into her bedroom and shuts the door .
3 Well I 'd better put the duvet in the wash then .
4 I said they 've got a duvet in the ward , in my wardro
5 In the midst of doing both the Round The Horne radio series and a couple of ‘ Carry Ons ’ , Ken was cast as Napoleon in a BBC TV version of the Anouilh play French Cricket , with Robert Helpmann playing Fouche , the Chief of Police .
6 Saxe-Weimar 's men were mostly German troops in Dutch service who had fought for Napoleon in the previous wars , and not even Saxe-Weimar himself was certain whether they would now fight against their old comrades .
7 There are no obvious geographical barriers along this frontier and a series of invasions , from the Poles in the seventeenth century to Napoleon in the early nineteenth , have borne witness to its vulnerability .
8 It takes the railway line into the city 's Central Station , itself a notable piece of railway building , designed by John Dobson , the architect who was responsible for so much of Newcastle 's new central stylishness in the nineteenth century .
9 Pump A custom fit concept using a manually inflated air bladder in the arch and collar of the shoe .
10 The answer to this question lies in the complex problem of whether there is ever a role for retaining the gall bladder in the presence of stones , and whether it is the gall bladder that is the cause of the stones such that recurrence of stones is inevitable .
11 In her acceptance she broke the code of propriety , went beyond the established manners in a light encounter .
12 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
13 While the Monk , usually politely addressed as ye , declines the invitation of the Host to " " be myrie of cheere " " as he tells his tale ( VII : 1924 – 5 ) , the Nun 's Priest , familiarly addressed as thou , is ready and able to provide what is wanted : The tale the Nun 's Priest tells is a beast-fable : a form of literature that should observe and comment on human traits and manners in a moral light , presenting those traits and manners in a fictional drama in which the characters are of the animal world .
14 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
15 One correspondent , seeking to explain the motives behind the attack on the meeting-houses in the west midlands in the summer of 1715 , informed Staffordshire MP , William Ward , that the rioters have got a Notion , that the Ministry and Dissenters have ruined Trade , on Purpose to make the Nation out of Love with the late Peace , and Peace-makers ; and because the Ministry , and secret Committee , and their Friends , will not let the Country have Peace and Trade , they resolve ( if they can hinder it ) the Dissenters shall not have a quiet Toleration .
16 Smith , comprise English Place Name Elements which appeared in 1970 , and Cornish Place Name Elements by O.J. Padel in the same series , published in 1985 .
17 He is also the only intellectual in a town full of morons , except for Major Scott ( T. P. McKenna ) and the well-meaning vicar ( Colin Welland ) .
18 MR BRYAN GOULD , 53 , the New Zealand-born contender for the Labour leadership , is the nearest the party still has in high office to a Socialist intellectual in the Anthony Crosland mould .
19 In these words are echoed the spirit of moral crusade and sense of justice that Nizan , in his status as a communist intellectual in the 1930s , came to associate automatically with Marxism .
20 The tension that every honest office-holder in the Church must feel between ‘ the system ’ and his ( male language appropriate here ) Christian pastoral impulses is most acute for the Bishop of Rome .
21 When anything like this happened , every office-holder in the community made speeches passing the buck on to the police department .
22 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
23 From this plinth had , a long time ago , fallen sideways a tall figure which now lay face-down in a puddle , narcissistically gazing at itself .
24 We had an altercation that soon resolved itself with me lying face-down in a damp bed of cardboard boxes at the loot of a hidden staircase .
25 Belov had studied her and contrived her release … and for him it had ended with his body face-down in the icy waters of the Neva .
26 Next morning she 's found floating face-down in the Thames .
27 She fumbled for the torch , and thumbed over the button with a chilly hand , and the cone of light spilled over a man 's body , face-down in the shallow water , glistening under the abrupt brightness in violent projections of black and white .
28 It means some bastard not only laid me out cold , and stuck me face-down in the Comer , but even rammed me well down into the mud with a foot in the small of my back to make dead sure of me , before he lit out and left me there to drown . ’
29 From him , I heard of leys for the first time , and learned that he had found alignments of tree clumps in the countryside around his home .
30 He later extended the line in both directions and continued to plot and photograph tree clumps in the surrounding countryside , gradually discovering several more alignments , including a parallel system extending from the Sevenoaks Range to the High Weald in Sussex .
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