Example sentences of "[noun] hold she " in BNC.

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1 Even before he got to her she was mesmerised , the dark eyes holding her with complete ease , and she had to bring herself quickly back to the present to do what she had planned and set matters on an even footing straight away .
2 For a long moment all she could do was stare back at him , his dark fathomless eyes holding her in thrall .
3 It was like swimming in warm darkness , only her slender arms around his neck holding her upright as his hands caressed her body and moulded her against him .
4 Merciful saints , she had let a complete stranger hold her , kiss her …
5 When she got to her feet there was no strength in her legs to hold her .
6 She went to rush past him but he caught her bare arms and swung her round , grasping her shoulders to hold her still .
7 On her first flight the drag held her back .
8 It 's alleged Gary Corbett held her by the legs and swung her against a wall at the flat in which they all lived at Forest Green in Nailsworth , near Stroud in Gloucestershire .
9 Shiona held her for a moment , her anger instantly vanishing to be replaced by a warm , maternal well of love .
10 Marilla held her in her arms and they sobbed together .
11 Branson held her to contract for five more months , preventing her from working anywhere else , until he decided it was unreasonable to hold her any longer , and she was at last able to find work elsewhere in the record industry .
12 His eyes held her .
13 His eyes held her ensnared .
14 She giggled when his second attempt ended in the same way , and when he grasped her in a great bear hug , she was able to slip away as easily as if it were a child holding her .
15 He rose to his feet to hold her more firmly .
16 She gripped his clothing to hold her up , and plunged fathoms deep , mindless , soaring .
17 It would have been impossible for Liza not to realise her growing power over the opposite sex , nor fail to notice the kind of dumb adoration in which Corporal Carrow held her .
18 Gina stopped where she was , her fingers clenched in the palms of her hand as she fought to control the surge of irritation which threatened to make her lose her temper completely , while Rune 's brilliant gaze held her in thrall , intimate , deliberately self-assured .
19 With Roy holding her by the arms she walked up his body until , reaching his shoulders , she flipped over and landed on her feet , screeching with laughter .
20 She snuggled down and began to drift to sleep , memories of Alain holding her here as she wept on that first day , memories of him bringing her up to bed after he had kissed her in the kitchen , fluttering like moths in the light , easing her into sleep .
21 Abruptly , the sensual haze holding her in its spell was shattered .
22 His thumbs explored her ears as his fingertips soothed the back of her neck and as Jenna moulded herself closer his hands moved to her body , tracing her spine and then sliding down to her hips to hold her against him .
23 They moved together in a dance as old as time until finally Travis slid between her parted thighs , hands going to her hips to hold her tightly against him and feel his desire .
24 As she gave a helpless moan his kiss grew gentler , and he placed his arm once more about her soft body to hold her cradled against him .
25 She wanted to tell him , wanted to share it with him and have him sort it out , lean on the strength of Luke Calder , but that tiny seed of suspicion held her back .
26 Alain held her and she flushed softly , feeling all manner of a fool .
27 ‘ Then you might as well let me get up right now ! ’ she retorted while her courage held her out .
28 Anna rose and walked away , very slowly and stiffly — Constanza tried to follow her but a waiter held her up with the bill .
29 Penry held her in a loose , impersonal embrace as her tears fell thick and fast , bitter and scalding enough to cauterise the wound in her memory .
30 Penry held her away a little , his eyes glittering into hers .
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