Example sentences of "[noun] between [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the massive recession between 1979 and 1981 was caused by too severe a financial squeeze .
2 What needs re-affirming , and re-examining , is the complex inter-relation between moral languages and the history of nineteenth-century feminism .
3 But they do point to the complex inter-relation between official discourses and the domain of constructed personal experience and pleasure .
4 This is one point in the course , and it is but one example , where the inter-relation between Professional Studies and the Curriculum Course is a matter for explicit emphasis .
5 This involves grasping the dynamic inter-relation between new scientific knowledges and the much broader public debates over national efficiency and imperial survival .
6 In some instances formal committees and similar bodies are established to provide a mechanism for the exchange of information and views between central government and the various interests within the national local government community .
7 ( 2 ) Modern critics of an attitude theory have often argued , not unconvincingly , that the methods of reasoning used in support of ethical views , or of trying to reach agreement on them by a fair minded exchange of views between reasonable persons , neither need be , nor commonly are , different from those used in factual matters .
8 The fact that he appeared to revise his views between 1885 and 1914 is not necessarily important .
9 The poor results have led to rifts within the Pentagon between military programme chiefs who want to persevere with ASJP and budget officials who want to cut losses now .
10 It also intends to develop greater object extensions using the Object Management Group 's Object Request Broker — to increase the interoperabilty and communication of objects between Oracle-based tools and foreign software .
11 The level of imports increased by 300% between 1985 and 1986 , coming predominantly from the Eastern bloc , North Africa , and the Middle East .
12 The mass media , and the television in particular , places the Prime Minister in the public eye as the government , and general elections have increasingly become personalised contests between rival party leaders .
13 The seventh Congress of Russian People 's Deputies ( Russia 's supreme legislature ) met on Dec. 1-14 , following months of political manoeuvring between Russian President Boris Yeltsin and the Civic Union , a grouping of centrist parties with strong representation in the Congress .
14 Among the Cambrian deuterostomes , the echinoderms have a good fossil record , and the inter-relationships between many of the supposedly disparate classes are becoming clearer .
15 It explores the inter-relationships between official policy and professional practice and their adaptation to each other .
16 In this way the various inter-relationships between all the many factors which make up an individual 's life can be seen as contributing to that individual 's health , or ill-health .
17 The negligible export of cotton goods in 1770 was transformed into half of all British exports between 1800 and 1850 .
18 Nonetheless , unofficial exports between neighbouring countries are likely to continue to increase , but to go largely unrecorded .
19 Since 1937 the Marble Palace , a masterpiece of early Russian classical architecture designed by Antonio Rinaldi between 1768 and 1785 , has been occupied by the Lenin Memorial Museum , although it has never had any links with Lenin .
20 1.5 per cent on the value of option contracts between 5,001 and 10,000 ,
21 Malcolm Edwards , British Coal 's commercial director , told an electricity conference in London that the corporation was prepared to enter supply deals lasting eight years — the same period set down for the bulk of initial contracts between privatised electricity generators and distribution companies .
22 In an extensive interview published in the leading news magazine Veja on May 24 , Pedro Collor had claimed that Farias had pocketed US$15,000,000 of the US$100,000,000 election campaign fund and continued to broker contracts between private companies and the government , sharing commissions with the President .
23 In 1973 and 1974 this price rise fed through to contracts between major producers and users .
24 Capital instruments may take the form of contracts between two parties ( for example a borrower and his bank ) as well as an issue of transferable securities .
25 Expert determination is found in contracts between two parties ; the only occasions when more than two parties are involved are found in the valuation of shares in companies , but there again the parties are bound together by arrangements analogous to contracts .
26 When the muscle contracts between these two attachment points ; the limb hinges .
27 By entering reaction time data in an analysis of covariance , a statistical technique which enables the influence of one or more extraneous variables to be taken into account when assessing the effect of the principle variable of interest , De Renzi and his colleagues ( Arrigoni and De Renzi , 1964 ; De Renzi and Faglioni , 1965 ) hoped to control for possible differences in extent of damage between left and right hemisphere groups .
28 Discussions between two people provide good materials , but will be useless if words are mouthed , since , as ever , you need whole sentences at normal speed with normal rhythm .
29 In practice , initial drafts of rules will be the subject of ongoing discussions between all four parties .
30 The ESP series covering Engineering , Business and Travel and Tourism takes a different approach and records real discussions between real people working in a factory , the travel industry and an office .
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