Example sentences of "[noun] find time " in BNC.

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1 Heavy demands are placed on schools to find time in the curriculum for a wide range of individually worthwhile activities and difficult decisions have to be made about priorities .
2 Apart from what sounds like a fairly hectic studio schedule , I wondered if Clem found time to get out and play live .
3 Candidates from 3 of the Parties found time for Christian Aid also .
4 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
5 In between assignments , David finds time to pursue his own projects .
6 Queen finds time to put Euro art into perspective
7 But although there was so much to be done , the indefatigable Breeze found time to collect holly and evergreens from the lanes inland , and made all sorts of decorations out of odd scraps of coloured paper .
8 In particular , I ask my right hon. Friend to find time next week to allow us to pursue the role played by Mr. Joe Haines , sometime press officer of a Labour Prime Minister , an executive director of Mirror Group Newspapers —
9 Yet in spite of the rush , all the officers found time to attend the wedding of their engineer , the cheerful Bill Cumper .
10 It is particularly important , whatever their preoccupations , that managers find time to discuss and help with such problems .
11 Could my right hon. Friend find time today to think again about the significance of an historic referendum which took place in the Ukraine on 1 December , in which the people of Ukraine freely and democratically voted for their sovereignty and independence ?
12 Will my right hon. Friend find time today to tell the House of the decision made yesterday to restore to Latvia , Lithuania and Estonia the gold deposited for safe keeping in the Bank of England but misappropriated by the then Labour Government with the support in the Division Lobby of the leader and Chief Whip of the Liberal party at that time ?
13 Will my right hon. Friend find time next week to allow the House to debate health , specifically the recently published report which shows the great success of GP fund-holding practices and trust hospitals ?
14 Could my right hon. Friend find time for a short debate on the question of Short money ?
15 While the monster stoked , was Victor finding time to perform a facial operation on the female ?
16 In reply to a question from Coun. Alan Robinson , Mr Collin said there had been no problems finding time for special poll tax sessions at the magistrates court .
17 Can my right hon. Friend find time during his busy day to congratulate the management and staff of Rover on the fact that over the past 12 months not one single minute of production time has been lost through industrial disputes ?
18 Inevitably I spent long periods sitting in the staff room waiting for staff to find time for an interview .
19 I AM curious to know how so many of our caring , hard working and underpaid MPs find time to write books , serve as directors and appear on radio and TV shows unconnected with politics .
20 4.00pm Liz finds time for a cup of tea , but she 's usually still busy .
21 Mungo found time to change and clean up before tea .
22 This is widely recognized as one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the successful implementation of any innovation , and particularly one such as profiling which requires teachers to find time for a new kind of activity , namely one-to-one discussion with pupils , as well as completing detailed records .
23 It was during these years in Kidderminster that amongst all his other labours , Richard Baxter found time to write some sixty books .
24 The view was breathtaking , and even in this period of crisis both men found time to absorb St Petersburg 's beauty .
25 LOOK OUT — Mark Davies finds time to study a model reactor which the team had to reconstruct .
26 ‘ It was n't easy to make a fitting with her in LA and me in Paris , ’ says the designer , though at Christmas Madonna found time to visit him in Paris , where she spent her time ‘ jogging and pumping iron ’ .
27 As well as his business , and his devotion to microscopy , Barnard found time for other interests .
28 How do women find time for themselves ?
29 Despite his business commitments Muspratt found time to develop many other interests — in politics , education , foreign travel , and ( like his father ) in music and the theatre .
30 Find time to find time .
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