Example sentences of "[noun] er i " in BNC.

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1 All right well look I I you 've er sort of selected and I I 've got no problem with that although schools er I would have thought was ideal for as well as medical .
2 My name 's Paul I 'm a sergeant with the Community Affairs Department er I 'm , I was based at until last week but now I 'm based at temporarily .
3 The ego , to use another analogy er I use , is like the President of the United States .
4 The local government information unit , the labour party in disguise er I do n't think we need to er waste money on having propaganda coming from them just simply attacking the government , completely wasted .
5 So I do n't speak really as a committed fox hunt or anti fox hunter er I speak erm , after a consideration of the matter er that that what have at issue here is er , the , the right of the tenant .
6 well we 've erm we 've erm we 've been rather tempted by the west coast er I personally want to see the Grand Canyon and erm I 'd like to see San Francisco so the package which is being offered to the Boots Association with whom we 've been away several times and we lo we like it as , as a , as a background because you 've got a rough idea , you know , the people you 're going with
7 We 've got to realise that there 's going to families out and about , and what we 'll do is the aircraft er I have n't seen the scenario on paper , but just off the top of my head , I can tell you that the aircraft will make their approaches to the base as if it were a real target .
8 No my my own view and it 's I I do n't know if I 've come to a view on the relative weight of those sorts of considerations er I I 'd need to think about it some more before I could come to a view on that .
9 a problem is a , a lecture , a lecturer , other students , anything of the college er I 'm the person who takes your voice .
10 My brothers er I mean you know this lavender bush and Get in there .
11 so everything 's got ta be sorted out before the Tuesday er I 'm going to in the morning erm
12 Er I should say that I 'm only saying this because it 's written in front of me , some churches apparently in York are putting on alternative festivities er I do n't think they 're trying very hard because I have n't heard of any and I certainly do n't move around the place , hear of any .
13 about a month ago , and there 's words in this dictionary er I said to myself oh fancy letting them , that 's slang you know ?
14 Yes erm well certainly from my own experience er I I do n't really think that erm there was as much crime or break-ins or danger as there seemed to be portrayed in the
15 Can I just say that er Ray phoned me up the other day and he said er , would you be prepared to take part in probationers ' , er regional probationary sort of training day er which is at coming up er in a few months time , to give erm presentation skills er I part of what we were doing , erm but just those O H Ps that we did on that part .
16 It it may be because erm they believe he has access to money or money er I would say here and now that information is wrong but er there would appear to be no other motive for this attack .
17 They have many caring initiatives and erm they 've been to York and they 've erm had marriage seminars er and they do an hel help with parenting er I just wonder if I could give the address of this so if anyone is interested
18 The afternoon er I like to get up in the morning I like to talk and sing be happy !
19 And therefore it was a system the the employer encouraged but of course er I do n't think you could say that there were many people who were happy with the system .
20 Oh oh well , yes , well of course er I kn I know about take two more exams and er I know the second one was mental arithmetic .
21 And of course er I knew something about America , my mother had been there and er we had some c I had eighteen first cousins in America when I went there .
22 I ca n't obviously give my Noble Friend an assurance that this will be done , but in due course er I would very much hope that it would be and when it is my Noble Friend will then be able to refer to that Act with total simplicity and find his way through it and with all the original Acts amended as they were and will be after this Act has been passed .
23 I mean for instance on the question of identification after 45 years it 's very difficult , I saw that in the Demianuk trial , to get satisfactory er evidence , but of course er I think British rules of evidence probably would simply mean it was excluded if that was the case , and it was fairly done and the law were n't changed and it was the law as it stands er then I 'd be in favour of it .
24 Lot one hundred and thirty six tortoiseshell case Lot one three six Martinet and Benoit could well be , yes it 's in a plain tortoiseshell case er I have four hundred pounds offered for this , four twenty , fifty , four eighty , five hundred five hundred pounds , any more ?
25 Thank you , yes , I think in a course of er , er explanation that 's been given this morning , there was a reference to H G V eight diversion , now I 'm concerned that if in fact that means that er H G Vs are increasingly using the route through Culford there are two very severe right angle bends on that road and I should erm like to see the police take some action to persuade H G V to ban that route er I mean can we do a ban on the early section of it with in particular to like angle bends are ?
26 Now say for instance er I do the pots
27 Yeah well I I remember it was more a it was more or less like a feeling of physical revulsion er I felt erm on occasions like that , partly because of the person but partly because it was a bit of an imposition on on my on my intimacy as it were y'know erm so er
28 Erm right there 's one of the partners there er he 's a bit er I do n't know what he 's doing he 's doing somersaults I think backwards to help the situation but it does n't .
29 About the homework bit er I thought about it the other day and obviously mine was n't brought up we 're having a set detention night are n't we ?
30 The first fella is a bit er I , I think is is very academic or has a very ac academic
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