Example sentences of "[noun] like you " in BNC.

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1 I suppose you could be right and I was feeling an a er an actual blow but not something I 've ever thought about or never put into words like you know .
2 He blinked at the words like you .
3 Yes but they do n't put it in words like you put , they put it in blooming complicated language , but tell lies .
4 And what do his parents think — him going off to a distant town with a stranger like you ? ’
5 I just do n't happen to like working for a male chauvinistic pig like you , that 's all ! ’
6 ‘ It makes me vomit ’ , she went on , ‘ to think that I am going to have to put up with a load of garbage like you in my school for the next six years .
7 We come back from and we 're in the car and erm they 're talking about guns see , I said well you ou , you know our Harry was R S M like you know , I said you wan na ask Ha Ha Harry I said been a soldier all his life .
8 Do n't climb over backwards , get in the side like you 're supposed to .
9 I know all about irregular units like you Flying Corps wallahs .
10 ‘ I could go to see Lewis Watts , he was my dad 's apprentice for five years when I was a little sprout like you just learning the trade .
11 And he has n't got a company car like you .
12 We have a di , a different picture , and we make up erm pictures like you see o on these crime programmes , the videofits of suspects , you 've all seen them where th , you know got the lines between the nose and , and the mouth they are made up of the information that we 've gained from witnesses .
13 ‘ Maybe I should have joined the force like you .
14 Bonanza would n't have gone to all that trouble to set up a deal like you 're imagining . ’ ,
15 You want to watch her , Father , an unmarried priest like you . ’
16 ‘ Look , kid , I 've been around , I know what happens with kids like you .
17 Always had dicey legs , but with the rest he 's had , and kids like you aboard — weigh nothing — he 'll bear up okay for what you want .
18 So it 's not a big expense like you know so that we were n't spending the money on ourselves , it 's just needed in the house and needed for the kids like you know .
19 Jamie has no demons like you and defies you with being a skunk Repulsive to humanity and most of the animal kingdom , but irresistible to another skunk !
20 Doctor Finlay , Miss Marple , All Creatures Great And Small and even sitcoms like You Rang M'Lord give us a flavour of life in the not too distant past .
21 She 's hardly the type for an old puritan like you , Karelius .
22 Because if an old Puritan like you ca n't , then I 'm damned if I can .
23 " Forty times I made that ride there and back — in the bus , not the jeep like you two , " he told us .
24 You do n't play with Josh like you used to — you just sit !
25 attracting nobody , she 's going scratching the eyes like you sounded .
26 But its thickhead supporters like you that get a bad name for him .
27 Any problems like that do n't hesitate just join in and jumping ahead on the question of questions all our speakers like you to ask them as they occur to you .
28 The Wakatipu Aero Club at Queenstown charge NZ$120 ( £36.40 ) an hour to members for their Cessna 172s or NZ$150 £45.50 ) to non-members like you or me .
29 So it 's not a big expense like you know so that we were n't spending the money on ourselves , it 's just needed in the house and needed for the kids like you know .
30 After all , we ca n't 'ave a nice lady like you takin' a good 'idin' from that ‘ usband o' yours , now can we ? ’
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