Example sentences of "[noun] use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I wanted a particular tape , oh I know it was a tape I 'd heard a coach driver using on the er on a coach trip that I was on so I got to know what it was erm and er I went round the usual shops no joy
2 Its origins are lost in antiquity but the Rock has probably ben used as a fortress from the Iron Age .
3 The choice of access points or retrieval fields and the specific terminology used to " label " each record depends on the content , aims and objectives of the curriculum .
4 Jessica Jartley used to terrified of hairdressers .
5 He then spent a brief spell on the staff at the Gaczyna spy school before being sent to Angola in 1974 as a senior military adviser ; three years later he took over as commandant of the notorious Balashikha , a centre on the outskirts of Moscow used for the training of international terrorists .
6 She giggled , the way Emma and Victoria used to when they were young .
7 Classic Warbirds by David Stubbs is an overall look at the warbird scene , with coverage of Reno , detailing the much-modified machines that participate in the air races each year ; Duxford 's Classic Fighter display of 1990 ; warbird training on the T–6 Texan and an excellent section on the B–17s , Mustangs and Messerschmitts used in the move Memphis Belle .
8 ( 1988 b ) support this interpretation by demonstrating that the VS pre-exposure treatment will produce perfectly good latent inhibition when the CS used in the conditioning phase is itself vinegar followed by sucrose , an arrangement that should ensure that the same representation of vinegar is activated on both occasions .
9 If it is allowed to get too hot it also produces dioxin , an unacceptable contaminant in the TCP used for manufacture of hexachlorophene .
10 But he acted as if he remembered the phrase that Dean Acheson used in the spring of 1947 , in those days of little sleep and many martinis when Acheson , George Marshall and Harry Truman had to convince a sceptical Congress to back containment .
11 The PA was the same system The Eurythmics used at Wembley and offered clarity and balance .
12 Yes they 're more sophisticated , and what I 'm concerned about is whether we have the right back up to be able to sustain a war erm there at present the war is more like a blitzkrieg which the Germans used at the start of the second world war
13 Although we used +3 SD above the mean of negative controls as cut off level for positivity in comparison to the +2 SD used by Saxon et al this alone can not explain the differences .
14 How ancient this thought is we can see by noticing that it is just the figure Plato used in The Republic to supply his political myth justifying political inequality ( Bk .
15 Having dealt with the general principles of the UCTA it is now possible to analyse its effect in detail on various contractual relationships using as a framework the definitions and different combinations of the factors set out above in the section devoted to the basic rationale of the UCTA .
16 These things grind exceeding slow , but in Denver , Colorado , charges have finally been brought against Q T Wiles , the former chairman of MiniScribe Corp , accusing him of a scheme to inflate the figures in books of the disk-drive maker : the US District Court indictment alleges that Wiles reaped $1.7m in profits from the sale of MiniScribe stock using inside information about the now-defunct disk company .
17 The definition the CSD used for its survey was : ‘ organisations which have been set up or adopted by Departments and provided with funds to perform some function which the Government wish to have performed but which it did not wish to be the direct responsibility of a Minister or Department ’ .
18 These illustrations show slightly more freedom in architectural treatment than Scott used in the competition , as The Civil Engineer and Architects ' Journal said , although he adhered to the general principle of uniformity ,
19 The theory only has application in specific types of social structure , namely , those that are totemic in structure and matrilineal in descent , like some of the Australian aboriginal societies Freud used in his work .
20 Two imposing items which arrived in Swanage were the prominent Wellington ‘ lock ’ tower at Peveril and the 17th century facade from the Mercers ' Hall in Cheapside which George Burt used for his new Town Hall .
21 Other ‘ defences ’ such as resins may be actively collected as in the case of those gathered by euglossine bees in their ‘ pollen baskets ’ from Anacardiaceae , Burseraceae and Leguminosae used in nest construction , sometimes with added bark fragments .
22 However , it is clear that , in deciding what the words used in an exclusion clause mean , the court can and will take account of the other provisions of the contract ; the clause must be interpreted in its context .
23 In each case the killer imitated an MO used before and then killed himself , committed suicide .
24 That is to say , Picasso uses as a starting point the same logical or rational analysis of volume that he had evolved in his Negroid paintings .
25 The exhibition also aimed to show the whole range of suitable alternative uses to which churches could be put — as theatres , concert halls , museums , arts and community centres , and libraries .
26 A full programme uses on 17 ltr of water and a 1.2 kWh of energy .
27 For example , one of Freud 's patients , who invented the term ‘ omnipotence of thought ’ , which Freud uses in his third paper in Totem and Taboo , used to think that if he thought of someone he would then always meet them , or if asked how someone was , he would hear that they had died .
28 What , taking the kind of analysis Freud uses in this book , what features in the individual would you look for , in order to answer these questions ?
29 The second , Blues and Beyond , takes over where the first leaves off and plunges deeper into the chromatic tones and chord substitutions Robben uses in his playing , and highlights two tracks from his ‘ Talk to You Daughter ’ album , Nothin' But The Blues and Revelation .
30 " I 'll give him an injection and leave you some sulphonamide — that 's what Mr Farnon uses in these cases . "
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