Example sentences of "[noun] than [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Never has Carrick been more lost for words than when he was approached in the Headingley committee-room after close of play by Reg Kirk , a former Yorkshire chairman .
2 Mares carrying their first fetus produce much higher levels of antibodies if the fetus is a horse than if it is a mule , the exact opposite of what one would expect .
3 So if you are producing a Victorian mystery , for instance , you would do well to think of a plot in terms more of melodrama than if you were writing a book set today .
4 By the end , or at least the last week , of the tour England ‘ B ’ were looking a much better all-round side than when they started .
5 She found that even three-year-olds judged a character to be more pleased when the result of his action matched his intention than when there was a mismatch between the intention and the result .
6 An Olympic walker uses more energy than a jogger moving at the same speed , because he is walking at a speed where his muscles would use less energy if they were operating a spring than if moving a pendulum .
7 Words presented visually or auditorily are less well recalled when they are similar sounding than when they are different sounding .
8 Erm a fully mobile workable skeleton , and th it 's a deprived area of Nottingham and they 've apparently been able to teach them more with this skeleton over this past six months than than any other kids in the school .
9 But I have a less romantic conception than when I started .
10 Dundee United will take the view that there could be no more fitting postscript to the public dispute between themselves and the Ibrox club over Duncan Ferguson 's future than if the big striker was to score the goal at Tannadice today which brought to an end Rangers ' remarkable unbeaten run of 36 matches .
11 The acceptance of these conditions as being worthy of medical time an the tendency to resent scarce resources being used on drug addiction and alcoholism have more to do with fear or disgust than whether or not a condition is demonstrably self-induced .
12 Without such basic knowledge , you might gain some small insight into the sport , but at a much lower level of appreciation than if you had done some reading in advance .
13 Dredge mixtures of cereals , with or without peas or beans , produce heavier yields than when the crops are grown separately .
14 Much as she loved Nora , she was sufficiently realistic about her cousin to know that whatever was beginning to develop in her niece would be much more likely to come to something if Constance remained with her in Surrey than if she returned to the north .
15 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
16 To that , one only has to respond that the tax burden is greater and the economy is in worse condition than before Thatcher embarked on it .
17 He had discharged one of them from the infirmary in no worse condition than when he had arrived .
18 ‘ It must sometimes be the case that I bring British fish back to London , but it will probably be in better condition than if it had been bought there as foreign agents insist on good transport and packing . ’
19 We established the same result in Section 9.2 by applying the CS conditions to LP* ( 2 , 0 , 0 ) and it is worth noting that the resulting inequalities typically involve more variables than if ( 9.8 ) is used , but ( 9.8 ) presumes a knowledge of the tableau as opposed to just knowing the BFS .
20 Equally , emotions have never run higher at Murrayfield than since Flower of Scotland was introduced as a ‘ national anthem ’ before kick-off .
21 First , it might be argued that to adopt a rational basis/rightness approach would create more uncertainty than if we proceeded on the hypothesis that all errors of law are jurisdictional .
22 The ability to view infant care practices in any other light than whether they help the infant in his basic struggle to live is , then , something peculiar to our own century and , within this century , to the technologically advanced countries in which infant and child mortality rates have now been reduced to comparatively insignificant proportions .
23 And where , where the president speaks publicly , then his orders are obviously much more likely to carry weight than if it 's simply behind , behind closed doors .
24 But if you can arrange for experienced selectors to be present then this may lead to a more objective assessment of the candidates than if you act alone .
25 The new building , in the style of Tudor Gothic , was opened for public inspection on 23rd April 1832 and opened formally , with even greater ceremony than when the foundation stone had been laid , exactly a week later .
26 Although if you are redundant or long-term unemployed you feel you have heard all of this before , the truth is that if you manage to keep alive some enthusiasm and initiative you have more chance of getting an interview than if you do not .
27 So , too , if a man teaches his parrot to slander anyone , that is neither more nor less the ordinary tort of defamation than if he prefers to say it with his own tongue rather than with the parrot 's .
28 These results suggest that the use of spot volatility as the proxy reveals a clearer maturity effect than when volume is used as the proxy .
29 When you are working on curved designs you should try to sort through your material and choose stems that are curved , as they will give a much more natural effect than if you have to use entirely straight pieces and encourage them to curl .
30 This gives a visually lighter effect than if the border starts directly after the hem .
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