Example sentences of "[noun] think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mark Kozelek thinks about finding someone else to sing his songs , so he can hide all the time .
2 And what does the Duchess think of Johnny this morning ?
3 Her hair had been flattened by the storm so that it made Trent think of a squashed astrakan hat .
4 The insurer 's decision on whether to provide cover , and if so how much , depends on what the insurer thinks of you and your customers ' credit ratings .
5 What did Bill Dodds think of the Kittyhawk ?
6 In order to find out more of what this writer thinks about imitation , we are in a position to consult a work by him where a treatise on the subject is developed at intervals and where he writes in propria persona .
7 Albini thinks of Big Black and says , ‘ We were a pretty good live band ’ .
8 Her sister thinks of this pain all day and night and says it is the worst part and I think it is , worse even than how it is to end .
9 Seeing him made Sarah think with anguish of their child .
10 In thinking about what Stalinism brought to his country , Kundera thinks of the support this despotism has received from the writers of his country , and of other countries .
11 When Cassio has been attacked by Iago , apparently murdered , Othello lauds his master 's example : The murder scene , with its marvellously wrought language , a ceremony that Othello thinks of as a sacrifice , is the most deluded , most fictitious scene in Shakespeare — not a word in it that Othello says is true .
12 You know what Richard thinks about Suez , but he does n't really listen to me — how do you think that makes me feel ? ’
13 Some ideas can readily be recalled to consciousness , and these Freud thinks of as in the preconscious .
14 Did Lucy think of herself as that heterosexually convenient phenomenon , the ‘ non-orgasmic woman ’ ; had sex been awful for her ?
15 The fan thinks for a second or two and then says ‘ OK where 's the bucket and spade ’ . ’
16 But Paul knows that sometimes it is hard to put our prayers into words , so the verse includes that ; God is able to do what believers think of .
17 ‘ Did Ken think of Apricot as a name , or you ? ’
18 1 What do Becky 's family , and all the boys , think about girls and how they should behave ? 2 What does Becky think about this ? 3 What do you think about it ?
19 ‘ We really think ‘ Sonnet 's ’ going to work , Luke , Jeff thinks to too .
20 It is not easy to engage in discussion with someone who regards other opinions as no more than symptomatic of the way a bourgeois intellectual thinks under late capitalism .
21 In his mind thinks of simply incredible things he would do to her , involving getting her on a couch and going into unrealistic positions without clothes , plus jerky movements .
22 What the first lady of rock thinks of her rival superstar
23 I do n't know what the Department thinks about the universities .
24 I try to think that my drive forward is stronger than the horse 's desire to draw back , because the moment a horse thinks about shying , he stops going forward .
25 But this pig thinks of nothing else . ’
26 At this Alice could have asked , What does Bert think of him ?
27 BP PROPERTIES has sold a central London office to EIE International , the Japanese property investment group , in a deal thought to be worth about £200m .
28 The worst difficulty came with his brother Frank , whom Ramsey thought to be the cleverest person he knew .
29 Known for his baby face and beloved Koch and Heckler sub-machine gun , Arkan controls a highly-disciplined shock force thought to be the most able and ruthless Serbian guerrilla group to have emerged during Yugoslavia 's tumultuous collapse .
30 Each input data source is assumed to be characterized by an error model that represents reasonable estimates of the levels and nature of the data uncertainty thought to be present .
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